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  1. N

    Building Drawers

    Thanks Mike!
  2. N

    Building Drawers

    How would you recommend cutting the sides to fit the back and front into them? For the tools I have, it may have to be just hammer and chisel. I'm guessing the base would also ideally be cut into the sides but it may have to be screws.
  3. N

    Building Drawers

    Thanks for the info Mike. I definitely don't have the tools to make dove tail or finger joints. I wasn't planning on internal partitions to maximise storage space but if the drawer needed it, I'd add them.
  4. N

    Building Drawers

    Thanks Mike. My skill level is pretty low but not completely ignorant. I've been renovating the house in my spare time for the past 4 years so have picked up a bit of skills a long the way (I hope, at least). But, it's not my job. I'm just learning as I go. I was planning on using MDF but I...
  5. N

    Building Drawers

    Thanks guys. I realise I should have given more info at the start. I had the staircase constructed (from Pear Stairs) with the drawers in mind so the treads are thick enough Ash to not need the risers for support. We're intending on using the drawers for shoes as the stairs face the front...
  6. N

    Building Drawers

    Hi. I'm new to the forum and could do with some advice. I'm trying to build some drawers that will fit into the stairs using the riser as the drawer front. I've looked into runners and been recommended an option from Blum and also spoken to Hafele and been recommended their option. However, I...