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  1. T

    HandTool decisions decisions..

    Im still confused.... I understand the concept of Ripping and cross cutting.. (in regards to the direction of the cut in relation to the grain) however i don't really understand the difference between the Vertas Rip Saw and the Vertas Cross Cut saw.. I Agree. Any recommendation on sharpening...
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    HandTool decisions decisions..

    I have a small circular saw and a home made "track" for it. however as mentioned, im trying to move away from power tools unless i have to. also, im only really intrested in working with solid wood and not sheet ply wood... do you have any recommendations for a good "ripping" hand saw? what...
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    HandTool decisions decisions..

    Hi All, Long time no see! So in short i have decided to dedicate myself to traditional hand tool joinery and furniture making(box making to start with likely) I don't have a great deal of money or space in my workshop, I plan to build myself a big bench and my storage. my main question is...
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    New Table Saw - £500 Sitting here waiting!

    Hi all, Many thanks for the comments! It has defiantly caused me to reconsider the direction i should be looking at heading..... For the record, i rarely use a full 2.4M sheet of ply, most of the time i am using the nice little 606X1220MM sheets(they are easier to work on full stop! so...
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    New Table Saw - £500 Sitting here waiting!

    Thanks for the reply! even more so that you wrote it again after loosing the original(i too lost my long version of the topic post! lol) Ok, so the Xcaliber off the radar, kinda good, it was too much of a distraction! ummm... ok so plans! I am currently making my kids an electric car (wheel...
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    New Table Saw - £500 Sitting here waiting!

    Hi All, I thought id create a new topic to ask for your help. I have about £500 ish available to buy a new table saw after managing to convince SWMBO that it is required for me to make a cupboard around our gas meter! lol I have narrowed my selection down to the following, with the following...
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    Axminster Hobby Series TS-250M Basic Table Saw

    [EDIT] Felt I should move my discussion to my own topic: new-table-saw-500-sitting-here-waiting-t81942.html
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    Axminster Hobby Series TS-250M Basic Table Saw

    [EDIT] Felt I should move my discussion to my own topic: new-table-saw-500-sitting-here-waiting-t81942.html
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    My new Workshop, WIP!

    Hi all, So, it has been a long time coming, but finally, my workshop is on its way! In short, the base is going to be a raised base covered in 18mm OSB with a 10x13ft metal shed on top! Because it is a metal shed the inside is going to be insulated and all walls will be boarded.. Thinking...
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    New workshop WIP

    :O!!! I am super interested in seeing this progress! pleaseeeeeeeee keep a steady photostream of the work! I have approval from SWMBO for my new 10ft x 10ft(half the size of yours) so this will be very useful in planning out the layout of my shop, and the construction of the base,etc.. Really...
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    I hate computer!!!!!

    I find the following Services good: <- You type in the company you are trying to contact and it will tell you how to get straight to a human(the silent trick and the random presses don't always work!) i also love and live by : <- these guys...
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    Draper WTL95 Parts?

    Hi All, I went to visit my dad today and was chatting about his lathe when he told me that the speed selector dial/leaver on his Draper wtl95 wasn't working... when you move the it either way so (to slow or increase the speed) it produced a kind of grinding noice....(if it helps, the lathe has...
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    TS-200 Table Saw Update? New Tablesaw help

    can you give me some more infomation on it? what is the Rip Fence like? what about the miter slot? is it a standard size slot that can take any jig(like a tenoning jig?) you said you can run a dado set in it? nice! Tom..
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    Little Puff

    can of compressed air? or an air gun off your compressor? both of which will require you to take a hand off the peice of work...
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    Workshop floor....

    hmm.... I love mixed views! it gives you a much broader picture, but my gosh does it make things even harder to decide(on an already hard decision!) The thing is, the shed i am looking at purchasing(i did look at they are a little bigger then i need and a little...
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    Workshop floor.... after the comments above... my plan is: Flooring: Im still unsure about how to handle the floor.... can somone give me some more advice? Im now planning on putting down a concrete slab(more info on how this is done please?) but the shed im basing all my plans on seems to have a wooden...
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    Workshop floor....

    does anyone have any experience with: ... option=441 Maybe building the shed is a little overkill.... so concrete base, and then cover any points of contact between the concrete and the shed floor with some sort of damp proof membrane. any tips for...
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    Workshop floor....

    ok, so my ascii art didn't work! this is my paint quick knock up! heh.. ... 0floor.jpg
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    Workshop floor....

    Hi Guys... first of all, i hope this is on the right board!? please feel free to move if its not.... So I am soon about to embark on a magical journey of creating my OWN(no longer shared with my dad!) workshop! and I will be looking for advice at most legs of this long journey! heh. First...
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    Calling members in South Cambs/North Herts

    sorry for bring an old thread back to life, but a search for hertfordshire returned this... im from central hitchin, had a workshop with my dad but am now living with my partner and our kids. so planning to build my own workshop to teach my kids what my dad taught me! Would be very intrested...