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  1. L

    What is it about a well-known auction site?

    I see this a lot, many people just assume that eBay is always going to be the cheapest place to buy anything so don't bother looking elsewhere. It's also a matter of convenience, buy it and pay with a couple of clicks and it turns up a day or two later, couldn't be easier, and to some people...
  2. L

    Garage roof covering

    I used Wickes Easy Seal on both my workshop and garage, and have just done the neighbour's shed with it too as he was so impressed with mine. It's not the cheapest but it does last really well and is very easy to apply, it's a two part roofing felt system with a self-adhesive underlay which is...
  3. L

    Wooden spokeshave - how to sharpen/hone ?

    I still have a few of these that I made when I was an apprentice, don't use them much these days although they still come in useful now and then, I have always sharpened them with a slip stone as AndyT mentions above.
  4. L

    What a selfish person

    Gruniad, or Grauniad, is a reference to the fact that The Guardian newspaper used to be noted for it's typos, I think it may have come from Private Eye originally? He wasn't calling you anything. My youngest niece starts at Cambridge later this year, the first of our family ever to go to any...
  5. L

    What a selfish person

    Despite having watched it every year from the age of about 5, over 45 years now, to be honest I'm still not quite sure exactly what the appeal is myself! But it certainly does appeal to vast numbers of people, not just in London and the rest of the UK but worldwide, the majority of whom, like...
  6. L

    What a selfish person

    It's only a public order offense and he's not going to get much of a sentence for that unfortunately, far better if they'd just dumped him back on the bank and let the spectators sort him out. If you read his blog you'll see he's clearly under a...
  7. L

    What a selfish person

    His name is Trenton Oldfield and he's part of some group called This Is Not a Gateway The Thames may be a lot cleaner than it used to be, but clearly there are still a few turds floating about in it, pity they didn't carry on and decapitate him, I doubt it...
  8. L

    Vulcan needs our help

    You have a point, but I guess far more people are interested in seeing a painting by one of the great masters than want to see a Vulcan fly, you can of course see a static Vulcan anytime and for many people that would be good enough. And where do you stop? It could be argued that we should keep...
  9. L

    Vulcan needs our help

    I used to love seeing Vulcans fly at airshows back in the 80s, West Malling was my favourite and the Vulcan always put on a great show, setting off every car alarm in the carpark when it took off! I was pleased to see when they finally got this one flying again, but the costs of keeping such a...
  10. L

    Laser cutting veneer....

    We have a laser at work and have used it to cut veneers, ply, MDF etc..., it does leave a charred edge on wood that needs a wipe with a piece of sandpaper to remove.
  11. L

    garden furniture protection

    I built a couple of Adirondack chairs two years ago using Western Red Cedar leftovers from my boat build, I gave them a couple of coats of Rustin's Garden Furniture Oil and it's lasting really well, despite them being folding chairs they've been left outside most of the time. I'll be giving them...
  12. L

    Water restrictions.

    Makes you think doesn't it, maybe not such a bad idea? Supply cheap semi-treated water through the mains, clean enough for anything other than cooking and drinking, then individuals can have the option of buying bottled water, fitting RO units etc... Mind you bottled water isn't exactly...
  13. L

    Water restrictions.

    I think if I could recoup the money in as little as 5 years I'd go for it too, but with our water bill being as low as it is I wouldn't actually save anything at all, so it would never pay for itself! For me it's the ethics of using expensive drinking water on the garden which is just wrong...
  14. L

    Water restrictions.

    I have a cunning plan, use the water flowing down to London to generate the electricity to pump it up from the Severn!
  15. L

    Water restrictions.

    I agree, far less is lost to evaporation when you use a watering can, because you water at the base of the plants and it soaks straight into the soil, and water after the sun has gone down. At our old house I installed a huge water tank fed from the downpipes off the roof, this fed a soaker...
  16. L

    Water restrictions.

    We have two lawns, or did until I got fed up trying to keep the one at the back of the house alive, so I dug up all the grass and sowed it with meadow grass and wildflower seed, it thrives with no attention except cutting twice in spring and autumn. The soil never dries out because the grass is...
  17. L

    Water restrictions.

    I see on the news this week they are planning to open up some old canals and use them to supply water to London from the Severn.
  18. L

    Water restrictions.

    I asked the professional installer about the legality of this when I first looked into having a borehole, I was told I didn't need a licence, triple-checked with Surrey CC, Spelthorne BC, and the EA and they all said the same. There is a limit to how much you can extract without a licence but...
  19. L

    Water restrictions.

    Thanks I'll have a read of those. Luckily here we just have the London Clay to drill through which is quite easy, then we hit gravel which is where the water is, and the supply is constant, no waiting for sufficient water to seep into the borehole as in some areas. When we moved here my son...
  20. L

    Water restrictions.

    I thought about getting a meter fitted, but when I spoke to the supplier they kindly told me it would work out at least 50% more than the £219pa that I currently pay, so we won't be having that! I've been planning for ages to drill a borehole for watering the garden in times of drought and...