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  1. M

    Best Finish?

    Hey!! Any advice on the best finish for an oak bookshelf?!
  2. M

    Bark Trimmings!!

    Thanks guys!! Have no idea when it was harvested? Its dry as a bone, if that helps?!! Will try the sanding sealer!! Any recommendations?!
  3. M

    Bark Trimmings!!

    Helloooooo!! I have a query and would like some expert advice!....I have some gorgeous pieces of Maple with the bark all around he edges...does anyone know the best way to keep the bark on, when working with the wood and also after to seal?? Thanks!!
  4. M


    Thanks guys!! I assumed that because it was an old sander that the belts would be hard to get!! Great help!! thanks again!!
  5. M


    Hello Everybody Peeps!! Does anyone know where I can get some belts for a skil 405 model belt sander?? :roll:
  6. M

    Rusty Tools!

  7. M

    Rusty Tools!

    Ahh cheers studders!! :wink:
  8. M

    Rusty Tools!

    Hello everybody peeps!! I have some old tools, (set square,old compass set, chisels,etc) which someone gave me...some of them look worth keeping but i need to get rid of all the rust...any ideas?! :-"
  9. M

    Best Finish??

    Okey doke! cheers Bob!! And thanksMick, shall hve a looksy!!
  10. M

    Best Finish??

    Ive watched this video but was wondering abut the abrasive pads...It american and their colour code of pads is probably different?...which pads are best to use for this procedure?? :roll:
  11. M

    Best Finish??

    I shall look this one up too!! Thank you!!
  12. M

    Best Finish??

    Just checked out that site and it was very helpful!! Thanks!! :lol:
  13. M

    Best Finish??

    Urrm...I think something in between!! \:D/
  14. M

    Best Finish??

    Thank you!! ah!! so i could put the oil on first then use a wax?! Best of both!! I think i would go for one of those 2 {or both} rather than a varnish. Thatnks for the post, I shall check it out!! :mrgreen:
  15. M

    Best Finish??

    Thank you Bob!! Ahh i feel bad now!!! :oops: I know you were trying to help poppet!! :D
  16. M

    Router bit query.

    Haha!! okely dokely!! :mrgreen:
  17. M

    Best Finish??

    Hello!! I'm making a bookcase and was wondering if anyone had any recommendations of what to finish it with? Its made from oak and I would like it to look natural in colour as can be!.....?? :duno:
  18. M

    Router bit query.

    Haha!! dare i say it again?!! :lol:
  19. M

    Router bit query.

    hahaha!! :lol:
  20. M

    Router bit query.

    \:D/ Was meant in a good way silly!!