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  1. M

    Grinder for woodturning tools

    Hi folks, I got my second hand Charnwood lathe last year, and have been enjoying using it with the carbide chisels and some of the other chisels that came with it that were still sharp. Now however I think I need to get some sort of sharpening system set up, not to mention all those sharpening...
  2. M

    Do I need a plunge base for my trim router?

    I bought a cheap Anesty router from Amazon last year, and since I started using it in the summer, I've found it to be very useful indeed, and I even made a router table for it. I noticed a couple of months ago that there is a Katsu plunge base that would fit it, and now people are asking me...
  3. M

    Another new member

    Hi, I'm Mike, a long time woodworker who started in my Dad's garage, got his own 6x8 shed, and just this year I've had a 12x8 workshop built, which I've insulated and boarded and am now setting up, complete with long work bench, french cleat wall, and Charnwood lathe, which I bought second hand...
  4. M

    Bandsaws - best of the budget?

    Hi all, I'm looking for a benchtop bandsaw, I'll be using it to cut hardwoods and softwoods for woodworking projects, and to create blanks for my lathe. I'm looking to pay no more than £200, not a lot I know, but as a first bandsaw I think it's enough, and of course there's the option to...