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  1. Thornley Marshall Designs

    Looking at Heavy Duty Sliders for Large and Heavy Units like Under the Stairs and Kitchen Units. ADVICE NEEDED PLEASE

    Hi all, I’m after some advice regarding cupboard sliders for heavy weights for things like under stairs and full length kitchen cupboards etc. I’m after side and also floor mounted brackets. If you have any links, makes etc, that would be great. Thanks.
  2. Thornley Marshall Designs

    Free Designs For Router Tables

    Hi All, I was advised on making my own router table however I haven’t made one before so needed to look at what was needed minimally and while looking at designs for them, I came across this site which has FREE Designs for Router Tables. I thought I would share it with you in case you wanted to...
  3. Thornley Marshall Designs

    Router Table

    Hi All, I’ve been looking at Router Tables and as I have a Trend T12 Router, I was looking at this table ( What I wanted to ask is this, are these known to be decent or terrible. If they are decent, where would you...
  4. Thornley Marshall Designs

    Pocket Hole Screws Advice

    Hi All, I didn’t realise that the Trend Mini Jig I bought didn’t come with screws and on the box it showed it did. So I’m needing to buy some to finish this project by Sunday. I’m not sure what size I’m needing and may require some different size screws, so 1) is there any you would recommend...
  5. Thornley Marshall Designs

    Pocket Hole Jig Advice Needed Please

    Hi All, I’ve been looking at pocket hole jigs and came across this one and wondered if anyone had bought one and what they thought of it? Also if you have a different one which is better than this one, and more versatile etc, if so, do you have a link or website for the one you use please? I’m...
  6. Thornley Marshall Designs

    Needing Advice Please - Circular Saw

    Hi All, I’m needing some advice please. My elderly father gave me a circular saw (bought in 2007) and is branded Power Super which I’ve never heard of (please see photos). It takes a blade which is: dia.180mm with a hole dia. 20mm and thickness dia. 2.5mm I’ve looked online and all modern...
  7. Thornley Marshall Designs

    Me, Myself and I

    Hi all, I hope this finds you well. I’ve been doing basic carpentry for several years and have woodworking tools which are over 150 years and still work well. I’m currently starting to get some more modern tools like a router, to be able to make working more quicker, but to the high standard I...