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  1. W

    Osmo Polyx Oil Raw 3044 Advice

    Hi All, Just used some Osmo Raw on an Oak cupboard top, looks amazing However, has anyone had issues cleaning the brush afterwards?! White spirit doesn't do the job, nor hot soapy water. On the website Osmo suggest Osmo brush cleaner, which is just white spirit with odours removed. But...
  2. W

    Wadkin 10 AGS rip fence replacment

    Hi Guys, Does anyone have an idea as to where I could source an original replacment or maftermarket rip fence for a Wadkin 10 AGS. This one got dropped at some point and is now a right pain to line up, it's doable but requires wedges 🙄
  3. W

    Green and Keen

    Good morning everyone Newbie Willis here, newish to joinery Looking to build on my hobby and DIY experience, maybe turning it into a side hustle (or more 👀) to my day job. Recently started renting a fully stocked workshop from a fella in Cardiff on a day by day basis. Perfect for making my...