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  1. H

    Opinions on a very small drill ?

    I want a very short drill just for drilling pilot holes in awkward positions. I can't see any of the well known brands that make anything that would do but found this one...
  2. H

    UV resin

    I have used CA glue and epoxy resin for crack and hole filling, but not UV resin. Just been watching a video of bowl turning using UV resin. What light is used to set the resin and is it successful ? Incidentally, the turner didn't seal cracks until he was nearly finished - I usually seal them...
  3. H

    Buying from EU

    I tried to buy an item from Denmark which was advertised in English for £70 but was told by the firm that they could not supply it because of EU rules which now apply to the UK as we are no longer in the EU. They said the company was not registered in the Uk and the order was less than £135. If...
  4. H

    Help with a lamp fitting ID

    I have two of these ceiling lamps which swivel and rotate. The places they go are not suitable for recessed lamps. They are for R63 bulbs with an E27 screw fitting. Up to now, I have used incandescent bulbs, which have been OK, but they don't last very long and are 60 watt. So time to change...
  5. H

    Mortar and Pestle

    A large mortar and pestle made in elm, finished with three coats of sunflower seed oil, dried between coats and finally polished with a soft cloth. The mortar is four inches high, four and a half in diameter and the walls are just under half an inch thick. The pestle is six inches long. Made...
  6. H

    Magnetic tipped screwdrivers

    I had to refix a curtain rail bracket today and had to put a screw in from the bottom, vertically up, and close to the wall. I hadn't enough hands and got very frustrated and decided I needed a magnetic tipped screwdriver, which I hadn't got. There are lots and all at a price - then I found...
  7. H

    Kity 612 bandsaw owners - information please !

    I have been trying to set up my Kity 612 more accurately but have found that the table is not at right angles to the saw blade (guides backed off). The reason appears to be that the brackets mounting the table to the base are home made. They are made of 16 gauge steel and are not slotted, so I...
  8. H

    Petrol Strimmers

    I've an old Trimac 210 which cannot be repaired and am looking for a new one. While heavier, the Husqvarna 122C looks OK - has anyone experience of it and is it possible to fit a harness of some kind to it ?
  9. H

    Bosch POF 1400 ACE mounting in a router table

    I have a Bosch POF 1400 ACE and want to mount it under a home made router table. I've found several youtube videos about it but they all show mounting it using the guide rods in home made clamps or just clamping it, again using home made clamps. I wondered if it could be mounted by removing the...
  10. H

    Jam chucks

    I've tried searching for "jam chuck" and "jam+chuck" and all I get is about chucks ! However, I've made a few small pots and used a jam chuck to finish off the bottom. I was using oak and that seemed OK, but I have just made one out of cherry. I finished the side with a wax polish and it...
  11. H

    Sold Kity 700 machine table, bandsaw, planer/thicknesser etc

    I have for sale a Kity 700 large machine table with a Kity 612 bandsaw, a Kity 635 planer/thicknessser, a Kity 627 spindle moulder and a Kity 652 slot boring machine – and the motor and belts to drive them. The planer/thicknesser has tct knives fitted and there is a spare set of HSS ones. There...
  12. H

    Kity 636 problem

    I've managed to get a Kity 636 but I have a problem with it. The thicknesser feed roller engaging/disengaging operating rod welding to the slotted plate has broken. I've got the parts and at the moment, the only way I can operate it is by taking the drive cover off and changing it by hand...
  13. H

    Squirrel problem

    I have fed birds for years and have several nut boxes made of wood with strong stainless steel mesh on each side which are used for peanuts. Fine for the birds and proof against woodpecker and nuthatch damage. In the last two weeks grey squirrels have arrived and are chewing the wood at the...
  14. H

    Sanding question

    I've been watching a video by Mike Waldt about making a small oak box and I found the video well made and interesting, and it looks an attractive little box. I've been using sanding discs on a pad driven by an electric drill for a long time and...
  15. H

    Kity 636

    About 35 years ago I bought a Kity large machine table with the 612 bandsaw, 627 spindle moulder, 652 slot boring machine, 635 planer thicknesser and a 617 circular saw. All powered off one motor. They have been very good for what I do, but I have always regretted not getting the 636 planer...
  16. H

    Glue chucks

    I've been making a small (8" diameter) bowl from a dry cherry half log. It was going to be over 3½" deep but I found when I started turning it, there was some woodworm just inside the bark. I had it mounted on a faceplate, so I got it round and made a dovetail for mounting in a Patriot chuck...
  17. H

    Joint question

    I have been asked to make a graders set square (for dressmaking) as there seem to be none available of the size my daughter wants. She wants one with the right angled sides 24" each - which would mean a hyponenuse of 33". I have some old thin oak which I could use and thought to make it from...
  18. H

    Bandsawing green wood

    I have been bandsawing some plum which was cut in December, and is very green, before end sealing and drying. My bandsaw tracks well and I have no problem with dry wood - but this plum ! After only five minutes or so, the inside of the blade has a build up of sawdust. I can clean it off...
  19. H

    Titan chain saw - question for owners !

    I've just got a new Titan chainsaw - bought from Screwfix - and find that the trigger works only if it is central. If it is just a little to left or right, it doesn't work and there is quite a lot of sideplay in it. My question is - is this normal, or have I a faulty chain saw ? The handbook...
  20. H

    Sorby Patriot chuck - a problem ?

    I've been using a Sorby Patriot chuck with the pin jaws fitted (RSJP) to turm some small laburnum bowls. Small meaning about 3" outside diameter (hopefully) when it is finished. I initially mounted the piece of wood by drilling a 1" hole in it and then turned the outside concentric, flattened...