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  1. Rewound

    Dewalt Band Saw

    anyone have one of these ? we have lost the key for ours, if I had the dimensions I could 3d print one - they look like this I begrudge paying £16
  2. Rewound

    Compounds for buffing / polishing

    I have the chesnut kit with its brown and white compounds that I have found to be good ai tells me that the equiv grits for these is Brown 400-800 and White 8,000 - 12,000 We have just been given a dual wheel bench grinder fitted with a couple of mops, one has been used for Brown and the other...
  3. Rewound

    Measuring Collets

    How do I measure collet so as I can find an after market one at a sensible price For our metal working lathes it is like ER32 ER20. but these collets are much longer and slender, bit unusual from what I have seen before can't justify £50 for a little collet
  4. Rewound

    A 7 sided table

    Some pictutres from a recent table I made - would very much welcome comments on anything that you feel could have been done easier or better. The idea with the leg is to show off the wonderful end grain in this piece of pitch Pine This was destined for land fill when I spotted in in a skip...
  5. Rewound

    CNC rpm & feed

    Ihave the opportunity to use a CNC router and I am trying to use fusion to create the NC file so (soft wood) for a 7mm HSS 4 flute mill fusion has chosen 4000rpm at 500 mm / min I tried GBT and asked for optimal cutting (for tool life) and it says 10,000 rpm and 4500mm / min (anything slower...
  6. Rewound

    Mortise & Tenon

    I have used the following before with some success but wondered if it would be frowned upon as a technique - (basically i wonder if the tenon could burst the mortise) When both the mortise and tenon have been created and the tenon is has been made (on purpose) just a little too tight. squash...
  7. Rewound

    How to Finish off - hardwood inlaid into Soft

    It is a small table I am making that is a mix of Teak and a softwood (its all stuff out of a skip) I have so far just been using a scraper to level the teak down to (very nearly) the level of the softwood. But what best next, exp where the grains run at 90 degrees from each other. Do I...
  8. Rewound

    What Wood & How to Cut

    Two Questions Anyone identify this wood, when cut it looks orange, however I guess it will revert to that dark colour on the uncut bit after a month or two. For contrast I layed it upon a bit of Walnut inlayed into some pine. (just wanted to show off my inlay - LOL) And second question -...
  9. Rewound

    Laser Cutters

    I now have access to a 60w CO2 laser cutter. Anyone know how suitable this would be for cutting hardwoods that are 5mm thick. need a good clean top cut (not bothered if burnt a bit underneath) Been told not allowed to use above 70%. power What speeds / passes should I be experimenting with ?
  10. Rewound

    Band Saw Blades & TPi

    I have a one inch wide band saw blade that is 10 tpi. I have quite a lot of hardwood that 6 to 8" thick x 12" long and I am wanting to cut 8mm boards from it. Is 10 tpi just too many and will it lead to clogging and poor cutting. ? if this is the case and I have no other use for the blade...
  11. Rewound

    Thicknessing small pieces of wood

    Thicknessing small pieces of wood lets say 100mm square to 7mm thick. What is the best way to do this? We have a large spiral thicknesser/planer but at a guess it needs something 18 inches long to go through.
  12. Rewound

    Heavy Duty 4" Ducting

    We have one of these planer / thicknesser that you have to change the ducting from one side to the other depending on whether thicknessing or planning. The result is this ludicrously expensive 100mm ducting does not last long, it gets damaged, it splits, and there is only so much cling film that...
  13. Rewound

    Epoxy Resins

    What resin would you use to secure a wood turning chisel into its handle ? I have some stuff referred to as "Coating Epoxy Resin" which I am experimenting with, but it doesnt seem to be drying very quickly (5 days and it is still a little viscous) (I did mix it 2:1 as per instructions)...
  14. Rewound

    Roughing out wet wood

    I am roughing out some sycamore from a tree I have just brought down. so its pretty wet. Any advice on what sort of thickness to take it to, and is leaving a support in the middle worthwhile? On the hidden side I have a tennon for mortice type chuck (sorry don't know the correct name)...
  15. Rewound

    Visor Material

    What is visor's (paricularily with some impact capability) made of ? Polycarbonate, plastic, Acrylic ? how does thickness affect bending? And how easy is it to cut ? I have access to a cnc router, but what bits, speed, rpm etc. It would be nice to cheaply and regularly replace just the...
  16. Rewound

    What are these ?

    In a recent garage clearance we come across quite a lot of these in different sizes, some sort of rivet of fastening, maybe ? may be some sort of crimp to tidy up the ends of frayed cables ?
  17. Rewound

    Low Voltage Cut Off

    Anyone know anything about low voltage cut offs for li-ion batteries. Apparently you need to build one of these circuits into any tool that conects to a li-ion battery because if the voltage drops too low, hen they can't be recharged! its an 18v battery - so anyone got any pointers ?
  18. Rewound

    oscillating sanders

    we have one of these, very similar to the one in this picture I don't know if the spindle is worn, but the belts that slide over the spindle so easily slip now. Any thoughts on how to remedy this ?
  19. Rewound

    Electric Hammer

    This is brilliant
  20. Rewound

    Powered Respirators

    The face shield ones such as Powercap Anyone have anything good or bad to say on these. I'm thinking of getting one, but they seem crazily overpriced! How well do they last? face shields get scratch easily? how often do you have to change the filters (how longs a piece of string question)