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  1. H

    FFX changes.

    For those that posted about FFX going down the swany Well ITS those over in the East of London have taken on the FFX set up so any that subscribed to FFX should get an email inviting them to sign into ITS for news letters etc.
  2. H

    Khan's ULEZ scam >road charging

    So it looks like Khans ulez scam is now evolving/evolved into road charging as TFL have listed on their Website to recruit someone to run pay per mile position oddly post ends for you to get CV in by end of this week! (Will be someone in house as just a token listing to conform) You tube has it...
  3. H

    Trying to find/workout sizing for steel box section/tube!

    Looking for a length of square tube but drawing a blank/hurting my head banging the wall!!! Tube has around an outer size of 21.50 'ish varying each side verniers on! it has to fit into a top and bottom which mic out at around 21.97. Did a shed load of ringing around today and original makers...
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    Found F

  5. H

    Looking for a cheap oil finish weather able?

    Making bird boxes and trying to find an oil(Easier to soak right into wood)that's cheap enough for woodworking for wellbeing's groups short arms/shallow pockets! Mind Tung oil ive got seems to go a fair ole way. Last use i put some in a tin put it on stove warmed it up then added some lighter...
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    Looking for some info/values/prices etc

    Been offered a stash of tools some diston saws amongst it trying to work a value for a price etc.
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    Metabo SXE450

    Hi does anyone know if the Alen bolt holding the pad on is right or left handed? As got a multi hole pad and bolt is "Tight"
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  9. H

    Sticky Gear to make a mess with!.

    Looking for some glue to stick hopefully my chopping board together and not the Bench!,:eek::oops::p Titebond 3 or their polyurethane gear? Want something that is impervious to finishing oil like Tung. Something that fills gaps a tad could be good/useful as have a wonky design in my head!. As...
  10. H

    Chopping boards

    Have a pile of wood cut up into lengths of 500 and 550mm of french oak planks which looking into turning into chopping boards? I was thinking of staggering them to join a bit like tongue n groove with a single sided tongue! so they sort of over lap. Other way is the biscuit joining. Also have...
  11. H

    Parkside router!

    Anyone had a go or had one of the Parkside routers Parkside Router - at Lidl UK For the grand sum of £44.99 Worth a go with as say's does both 1/4 and 1/2" plus comes with bits or avoid? I do have a Gadget which came from B&Q in the Blue and Orange range which was better gear comes in a case...
  12. H

    Veritas Wheel Marking gauge.

    What's anyone's thoughts or own/have used them? I see can have plain or inscribed imperial/metric plus they do a double one and others like model making etc. Seen clone types out there often/mostly from our China types!. Mind a few look interesting one where can see markings/measurements in an...
  13. H

    Veritas Scraper blade holder.

    Looking at buying one of the Veritas blade holders according to a snip of info it comes with a blade? Is there blade pack worth the cost?,mind is 4 blades Other gadget looked at was the Varible burnisher plus that also comes with a blade "Brucie Bonus but nothing for the Fluffy toy though!":)...
  14. H

    Trend Fast Track sharpener kit

    Anyone tried these out or use liking or not? I know DW will spit Fire and Brimstone about diamonds and other things! But got an offer on KitB which has most of the stones and other bits for a decent price that was Rude not to go for!
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  16. H

    Tung oil Finish

    Oil finished my mallet which has oak head with Beech handle(Repurposed from a Table?) First coats seemed to stay shiny but now just going matt after subsequent coats/rub overs!
  17. H

    Best or most useful plough/combi plane?

    Hi Was going to hit the bid button on a Record 405 which had lots of bits with it. But there is also a Stanley 50s plus others so wondering what's out there that is useable and has a wide scope of capabilities etc. Was looking for something to step some oak planks i got to make chopping boards...
  18. H

    Choosing a Vice(Not the Naughty Type!)

    Had a snout around on the Axminster Website came across a few vices that looked interesting! Do have a 3" Engineers types and you can pivot work on it's end/side as has a lockable mech (so it up ends with handle up in air!) Been looking at engineers vices like record/woden or similar and around...
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    Low angle block plane

    How do likes of Luban and Quenshang? stack up against likes of Stanley etc
  20. H

    Hardwood pieces

    Got some bits of Wild Mango.USA dark Walnut and Think USA cherry with the aim to make some handles/knobs for planes anyone have any views on those bits?