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  1. P

    Aliexpress, a bit of an odd one this week

    Hi all Just wondering if anyone else has had issues with Aliexpress orders this week. I have been buying from them for years without too much trouble, but this week I placed and order for about ten different items from ten different sellers. All items were dispatched and tracking started...
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    Slow Speed Bench Grinders in the UK

    Hi all I have been using a standard bench grinder, to sharpen my turning tools, but am aware that a slow speed one would be better suited, especially given that I am using CBN wheels. Given that they are popular across the big pond with even budget models available, why are they are rare as...
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    Axminster store at Bobbing Way, Sittingbourne, Kent Closed, Police on site

    Hi all I tried to visit the Axminster store at Sittingbourne kent yesterday but found it closed with a number of Police vehicles on site. Anyone know what happened, I assume another robbery, the second in a few months, hope no one was attacked, it seemed to many Police for a robbery. I can...
  4. P

    Home made Turning Tools help

    Hi all I hope this is in the correct section, perhaps a mod could move it if it is. I am making a couple of turning tools out of High Speed Steel. Mainly negative rake scrapers. The question is do I have to harden an temper them once they are ground or is HSS hard enough to use as supplied...
  5. P

    Help needed cutting segments for bowls

    Hi all Hope this is in the correct section. I hope someone can help with this as maths is not my strong point. When cutting segments to glue together to make a bowl, I know the angle part is easy that is 360° divided by the number of segments, divided by 2 gives the angle for each end of the...
  6. P

    DIY Beeswax polish

    Hi all I hope this the correct section for this question, perhaps a Mod could move it if not. Anyhow, to the question Anyone tried mixing their own Beeswax polish mix, if yes what mix did you settle on. I have been looking at loads of YouTube videos on the subject and almost all of seem to...
  7. P

    Looking for a UK supplier of CBM wheels with actual stock

    Hi all As subject, I am looking for a UK supplier of CBM wheels for my bench grinder but everyone I have tried for some reason are all out of stock of the size I need so has anyone got any recommendations for a supplier of these wheels that does actually hold stock ? I am looking for a 200mm/8...
  8. P

    Gouge Sharpening Jigs

    Hi all Looking for recommendations for a turning gouge sharpening system for use with a bench grinder. I have been searching and it seems that the most popular (well popular on YouTube 😉) are the Wolverine Oneway or the Woodcut system, with both costing about the same. Anyone recommend one...
  9. P

    CBM Wheel is this a stupid idea ?

    Hi all This is probably a stupid idea so please do tell me so if it is. So I would like to use a CBM wheel to sharpen my turning gouges, but I have a problem, 1st I don't own a bench grinder and 2nd CBM wheels work best on a slow speed grinder and they are not as common. So I started thinking...
  10. P

    Jaw Compatibility between Vevor and Axminster Chucks

    Hi all Does anyone know if Axminster Jaws fit the equivalent sized VEVOR Chuck. Thanks for any help with this Paul.
  11. P

    Looking for simple design software or software designed for the simple :)

    Hi all. I am looking for some simple 2D design software that is not too bloated or difficult for a simple minded soul like me to use for simple designs for things like cabinets and boxes etc. I did try SketchUp but just couldn't get to grips with it, I told you I was simple ;) Currently just...
  12. P

    No flute/Zero flute countersink cutters recommend a brand that works

    Hi all. I am trying to find a make of Zero Flute/No Flute Countersinks. I tried a couple of sets found on eBay, an example below but found them to be next to useless 4x Chamfer Deburring Crosshole Ti Drill Bit Set Metal Tool Cutting Countersink | eBay . has anyone found a brand that works...
  13. P

    Anyone using a Faithfull No 7, good or avoid

    Hi all As subject really, anyone tried oe of the Faithfull No.7 planes. At under £60 are they a good plane or not worth bothering with. Out if not all the usual makes are out of my budget range, even old rusty ones on eBay are above what I would want yo spend on an occasional use tool. Are...
  14. P

    Stanley 4 1/2 Tote screw thread size

    Hi all. A quick question I hope. Anyone know what the thread size is for the front tote screw on a Stanley 4 1/2 plane. Just picked one up for restoration and that screw is missing. Anyone know what the thread size would be. Thanks. Paul
  15. P

    Titebond UK low stock levels

    Hi all. Just been looking at the site to order some glue and noticed they were showing out of stock for most of their common glues, Titebond 1 & 2, their Hide glue. Their PU glue. Their laminate glue plus some others all out of stock. Anyone know what going on. Are they in...
  16. P

    Auto switch for vacuum

    Hi all. Anyone got any recommendations for an autoswitch for my shop vac, the sort that turns the vac on when the power tool being used is switched on, I have seen a few for the American market but they obviously don't work in the UK. Anyone using one they would recommend. Thanks. Paul
  17. P

    Storing Water Stones between sharpening sessions

    Hi all A quick question I hope. What's the best way to store water stones between sharpening sessions, keep them soaking in water or let them dry out between sessions, or something else. Thanks for any help with this. Paul
  18. P

    New member saying hi

    Hi all Just joined the forum and understand it polite to say hi here before posting elsewhere so here we go. My name is Paul and I am based in Kent, now that I am getting close to retirement i have been looking for some new pastimes to help exercise the old grey matter to help hold of the...