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  1. K

    AA-AAA Batteries

    Has anyone worked out the best value for money batteries, and can make a recommendation on what and where to buy them? I remember the good/bad (take your pick) old days when batteries were batteries - now they're just confusing with so many options, or at least they are to me. I have enough...
  2. K

    Melting Lead

    I would appreciate some advice. I made a figurine/sculpture for which I turned a conical base from ABW. The figurine connects via a 2mm s/steel rod passing through the base through a 2mm hole drilled through at 5 degrees. Due of the centre of gravity, I feel I should weight the base a little...
  3. K

    End Grain Cutting Board

    Does anyone have an idea of the optimum size of each block? I have some 52mm steamed beech so I was going to make each block 45 x 45, but I'm now wondering if at that size the board might become unstable and prone to shrinkage. Will I be better off with something like 35 x 35? I plan on making...
  4. K

    In your opinion what's the better P/T - the iTech or Axminster?

    I bought the AC250PT Planer/Thicknesser a couple of years ago - it's now in bits in my garden waiting to go to the scrappers! I looked after that machine (as I do with all my tools) so not a mark on it - not even a black tea mug ring on the outfeed table. I broke it because I fed into the...
  5. K

    Can you identify this wood?

    Hi Guys, Can anyone identify this wood? It was only after cutting one board up to make some chopping boards, that it occurred to me that it might be Bog Oak, seeing how dark it is. TIA