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    Advice: Router table upgrade vs spindle moulder

    Hi all, I'm after some advice. I've got a generic router table, with a Rutlands R15 router lift and motor combo in. The table itself has pressed angle legs, so is pretty unstable, and the fences aren't aligned as the outfeed side has a slight lip. I need to move the workpiece off the fence to...
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    Sold Rutlands wetstone sharpener + jigs

    Hi all, I've got a once used Rutlands wetstone sharpener with a number of jigs for sale. I didn't get on with it, so it's sat unused since April of this year. I paid £252 for the lot in April, and I have it listed on ebay for £179+P&P, but happy to sell it to someone on this forum for £160+P&P...
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    Jet jointer (misspelt), Swindon, on ebay Nothing to do with me, just spotted it as a misspelling. Seems like a good price?
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    Shopsmith - Surrey

    Just saw this on Gumtree. A Shopsmith lathe, with bandsaw, table saw, and shaper. No connection to it, just thought it was very cheap!
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    Found Abwood vice handle

    Hi all! I've taken possession of an Abwood 4" tilting and swivelling vice, which has no handle. It's a square drive, measures 14.4mm, so presumably a 9/16" or 5/8" drive handle would suit? Anyone got anything? Ta!
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    Contents of engineering firm, Nottingham

    Shame to see this, but opportunity for people in the area to pick up some potential deals: John Pye Auctions: Auctions