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  1. Woodchip Wilbur

    Shout out for Wealden Tools

    Making some panelled doors, I used a 9mm straight cutter to make the groove. 50mm in, the carbide tips snapped off with a bit of a graunch. The cutter wasn't new - though nearly unused. I went on the website to get a replacement. For some reason, WorldPay wouldn't take my money, despite...
  2. Woodchip Wilbur

    Small metal lathe

    I have an occasional task (tuning small home cast brass hand bells) that needs a lathe. Currently I am doing this with a variety of abrasives on my woodworking lathe - but it is painfully slow and unsatisfactory. The bells themselves are around 60-100mm diameter across the mouth. I am NOT...
  3. Woodchip Wilbur

    Lumberjack Filter cartridge

    I have a basic Lumberjack 1100 dust bucket - the filter cartridge has fallen to pieces - and I had expected the Lumberjack website to list such an obvious spare part. I am either blind or stupid, but I can't find one there - or elsewhere. The generic things I can see seem to have a c. 150mm...
  4. Woodchip Wilbur

    Downloading images for laser engraving

    I'm making a Mah Jong set for my daughter. The box is well on the way (not as highly carved as our own Chinese one!) using some Indian Rosewood from an old table top. The tiles are all cut (made out of Castello "boxwood"). They need some fininshing but of course they also need to be engraved...
  5. Woodchip Wilbur

    Hunting masonry drills

    I've got an aged masonry drill (Spit 330). It was bought in the '80s for installing electric damp proof courses. The drill bits are a form of SDS - but they are NOT the same as a standard SDS bit as can be bought anywhere - there is a long slot one side and a short lock slot on the other. I...
  6. Woodchip Wilbur

    Spray (or other) glue

    I have a (fairly frequent) need to mount printed sheets onto white foam board for display purposes. I am currently using 3M Photo Mount which does the job I want - but it is at a premium price! Is there a better way to do this? It needs to give a good, strong and permanent bond It needs to...
  7. Woodchip Wilbur

    Shed roof

    My daughter is buying her house. (They've rented for years but the landlord is selling up.) One change is that she can abandon the rather inconvenient allotment and dig up the back yard instead. The shed needs to move. It is a standard B&Q type 6'x6' and the roof is made of Weetabix Board...
  8. Woodchip Wilbur

    Rope Warming

    In our cold and damp bell tower we have a rope warmer that dries out the bottom ends of the ropes so they are flexible enough to use. It consists of an octagonal ply tube, 200mm diameter and 1.5m tall with 2 x 100w incandescent bulbs in the bottom. It works well. I have three problems...
  9. Woodchip Wilbur

    Attaching to an old church

    I look after an old church (bits go back to c. 950). I have made a set of interprative boards (200mm wide x 400mm tall) mounted on 3mm foam board and they need fixing to (mainly) stone pillars. It is clearly crucial that nothing is done that will damage the fabric of the place though I think I...
  10. Woodchip Wilbur

    Cheapo Nail gun

    Today, I have been making some plywood trunking. Today, I have been thinking, "Oh! If I only had a little nail gun!" I am a geriatric - taking a lifetime (well - perhaps 65 years; my dad started me when I was about 7) of woodworking with me into old age, dotage and beyond. A lot of...