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  1. K

    For Sale Full workshop tools and equipment for sale - great opportunity for bargain

    Hello, since I retired 11 years ago I have enjoyed my hobby of woodworking very much. I have been lucky enough to build an excellent collection of good quality tools, equipment & machines. Unfortunately, last year I was taken seriously ill with heart problems. The NHS has done a wonderful job of...
  2. K

    Poor Moderation

    Spectric wrote in a thread he has shut down. “Well firstly congratulations on such a good thread involving political debate where everyone got there views over and has reached 89 pages without being shut down.” So you shut it down. A perfectly mature and interesting thread. Your logic based...
  3. K

    Book/Craft Storage Shelving Unit

    Hi, I am going to make a Storage Unit for my wife's studio. She wants to paint it so no need for hardwood. It will be approx 90 x 170 with 4 shelves. Whilst I've made lots of stuff on a smaller scale in hardwoods I've not really much experience with softwood or man made stuff. I was wondering if...