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  1. J

    Dry brittle pine

    I have an old set of drawers, basic very old kinda rough set. they started off in a steamer cabin as a full cabinet that was ripped oit and used by my mums family. One day her brother decided to climb it to get my grandads service revolver (different times). Apparently it ( and my grandad i...
  2. J

    What woodworm do i have (had)

    These holes are tiny! Thats a scalpel blade for scale. Its long gone i think but i am curious. What flavour of woodworm are we talking because thats smaller than i have ever seen?
  3. J

    Another ID thread (not a pizza cutter)

    Me again with another WTF if this item. I have been tempted to cut a pizza with it but reckon perforations aren't that necessary and also my pizza bases aren't tough enough to require a two handed grip. So... What did I get in this box of goodies from the auction? Cheers
  4. J

    Plane identification (plus special bonus item).

    Purely out of interest, I'm not into collecting tools. But this plane was in a job lot in a local auction*. 30quid including a record router plane and some nice big Sheffield chisels and a bunch of Moore and right measuring callipers. Does anyone know what it is? It's an interesting sole...
  5. J

    Book on furniture design recommendation

    Does anyone have a recomendation on a good resource for the basics of furniture design? I have lot's of "ideas" and I work in 3D in a mindset my day job so I'm not talking about styles or joints etc more that actual functional aspect such as how big a chair should actually be and what angle of...
  6. J

    Adjusting an Adept No. 1 dovetail slide.

    Morning all I have a little adept no1 which has arrived with a slittle slop in the piston dovetail slideway (I'm sure is has a more technical name for it but bear with) evidenced by the tool lifting through the cut and the fact I can feel the play. Is there a method to adjusting such things...
  7. J

    Perhaps a slightly controversial turning question...

    Morning, the easily offended might want to look away now... I have inherited a Myford ML8 complete with planetary weight original cabinet and some serious gouges etc (some made from old files to add a little frisson to the danger danger) Its nice, it has familial connections, I can probably...
  8. J

    Drummond Round bed questions

    I've been keeping an eye out for a treadle metal lathe for a while. I'm a bit taken with human powered tools, already have a small and extremely useful hand cranked drill press. So after a couple of years idly cheking gumtree and ebay once in a blue moon for something nearbye... I found one...