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  1. Britman

    Recommend a finish for an Iroko besktop

    I'm in the presses of making a new desktop out of some Iroko and I'm looking for recommendations on a durable finish. My first though was Osmo polyX clear gloss but as I don't have any I didn't want to folk out and find out it's no suitable. I want to keep the natural colour as much as...
  2. Britman

    Baby gate catch/latch

    My niece has asked my to make a baby gate, the gate will separate the kitchen from the dining room. She doesn't like the off the shelf things and really doesn't like the idea of having the bar across the bottom that you get with off the shelf gates. I have a design formulating in my head but I...
  3. Britman

    Plantation Shutters.

    I quite fancy making some plantation style shutters as it seems easy enough. Just wondering if anyone has made them and have any tips? Also the louvres, on most pictures I've seen the are all slightly curved (profile), does this matter? Cheers.
  4. Britman

    Laser or Water cutting service for small orders

    I'm working on a project that will require some laser cut 3mm aluminum sheet material. Are there any companies out there that are happy to deal with small orders, probably 2-4 pieces. Cheers.
  5. Britman


    I didn't know SawStop was licensing their tech to other saw manufacturers. It makes sense if their initial patent is coming to an end. Which leads to them launching in Europe.
  6. Britman

    Recommendation of where to buy Aluminium Extrusion.

    I'm trying to source a UK supplier of 8020 aluminium extrusion do any of you have any recommendations? I'll only buy buying about 4 meters. Cheers.
  7. Britman

    New EU power tool battery rules from 2025

    So from next year cordless power tool manufacturers will have to start implementing the same battery format in their tools. A short video about this.
  8. Britman

    Paint for kids toys.

    Looking for recommendations of what paint to use on kids toys? Kids ages are from 1-5 years. Cheers.
  9. Britman

    Recent upgrades, 2 new 3D printers.

    I have recently upgraded my 2 Anycubic Kobra 2's to the Flash Forge Adventurer 5M pros. While there isn't anything wrong with the Kobra's the lack of an enclosure meant I had trouble with ASA printing. I got what I though was a decent deal for the 2 Flash Forge printers. £950 delivered and i...
  10. Britman

    Lathe not starting.

    So my new lathe has stopped working. It still gets power but it won't start, pressing the start but I hear a click. Looks like a phone call to Axminster for a return is in order.
  11. Britman

    Sourcing wood for turning

    So as you may know I got my first lathe a week ago. Where are the best places to source wood, seasoned blanks preferably as I really don't have to space to be storing wood for years. I don't tend to work with much hardwoods in the workshop so scrap bits are a bit light on the ground. I noticed...
  12. Britman

    Bought my first lathe yesterday 😁

    It might only be the Axminster AW205 but I love it. I haven't turned anything proper yet, just practiced on some oak scraps. I also picked up the Axminster pen starter kit which I'm really looking forward to using.
  13. Britman

    3D Printing for Pen Blanks

    A while ago I watched a youtube video of a chap that used a 3D printer to make some pen blanks. I found that interesting and just wondered if any of the pen turns here have or do use a 3D printer in their pen blank making.
  14. Britman

    Could this work for sharpening gouges?

    Found this an interesting idea, seems to work well enough on flat chisels but wondered if it could be used to sharpen gouges.
  15. Britman

    What could go wrong. Veiko.

    So I decided to take a punt on some cheap Chinesium tools. The brand is Veiko. I have: 600mm square (not in the photo) 300mm square. 500mm t-square. Precision Square. 45° Precision Square. Adjustable t-square I have ordered a Speed Square too but that has not arrived. First of the build...
  16. Britman

    Brooks Brothers (Skelmersdale)

    Does anyone have any experience with the Brooks Brother Skelmersdale site? Is it open to the public or have a trade counter? Cheers.
  17. Britman

    Desktop Co2 laser

    I currently have a Diode laser and it's been a great little tool but I am finding it a little limiting now, mainly because it won't cut Acrylic. So I'm now on the hunt for a smallish Co2 laser, I don't want something big (space issues) maybe something with a bed size of a A3 bit of paper. Budget...
  18. Britman

    I didn't buy a printer to make money...

    .. But I turns out the part I designed and put on eBay as a test is reasonably popular. It is very niche part for DeWalt toolboxes Just about covers what I have spent on Filament.
  19. Britman

    I made a thing - Dog Hole Cap for Chamfered holes - (UKJ Chamfer tool)

    So I've uploaded a file to Thingiverse, a cap for chamfered dog holes. Specifically UKJ Chamfered holes. Creative Commons License.
  20. Britman

    Got my first 3D printer

    My first 3D printer arrived today, a Anycubic Kobra 2. It was extremely easy to setup, like stupid easy. I'm pretty impressed so far, printed a Benchy with what I think is great results. Currently printing a box I designed in Onshape and I have downloaded files for a track end cover for my...