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  1. P

    VOIP, alternatives to Skype?

    Where I live in Italy I have no land line or mobile cover. I do have internet access however and wired the house for WIFI. I have been using Skype for years but now it's on its way out and I need to find an alternative. I use Whatsapp but Italy is still a bit backwards, when it comes to...
  2. P

    Santos rosewood, price?

    Does anyone have an idea of the price of Santos rosewood? 2" and 3" boards 8-10" wide, 6-8' long.
  3. P

    decent mortice door catch reccomendation

    Can someone suggest a decent door catch brand? I have just bought a Carlisle Brass and whilst it isn't the worst I've seen it could be better. When I lived in the UK I always used F Allart at home but that may be over the top for this job
  4. P

    Table saw fences

    I have a rather old Startrite saw purchased from a school in Ardee in Co Louth in Ireland. The fence stops just after the far end of the blade? Many tablesaws I see online, I suppose mostly American, have a fence that extends the full length of the table. I'm assuming this has something to do...
  5. P

    Mortice locks positioning

    I have always built doors for older properties with substantial middle/lock rails. I have just built a half-glazed door with a narrow middle rail, 85mm, and narrow stiles, also 85mm. A 63mm mortice lock would completely remove the tenon. If I want a mortice lock what are my options? I'm...
  6. P

    Sharpening amongst other things

    I haven't watched the whole video yet but if anyone doubts you don't need fancy sharpening gear, watch the beginning of this.
  7. P

    anyone tried a slightly larger blade in a Festool 55 tracksaw?

    I have the TSC 55 KEB and wanted to buy a cheap blade for those rough cuts that don't necessarily need a perfect finish. Has any one tried a wider blade? a 165mm maybe?
  8. P

    Wood ID, sorry

    I called into my sheet supplier and was told they were to close at the end of the year. At the far end of the warehouse, where I'd never been before, were a number of wood boards standing on end. It turns out they are the ends of logs that have been turned into veneers. 3 or 4m long, up to...
  9. P

    Nova or Record?

    I have seen a good offer on a TEKNATOOL NOVA G3 "PRO-TEK". It is slightly more expensive than the SC3 but jaws are possibly easier to find here than Record. Is there any reason to still go for the SC3? will it offer greater choice than the Teknatool. I won't necessarily buy it, I may not need it...
  10. P

    OK to use 2MT sleeve on 1MT?

    Are there any reasons not to use a 2MT sleeve on a 1MT drive? Obviously if I was buying new I'd buy the 2MT but if I find a 1MT bargain? Do the sleeves work well?
  11. P

    Wanted SC2 chuck M33 x 3.5

    Don't have lathe but looking for a small chuck.
  12. P

    Will I need 2 chucks? Large and small.

    I'm saving the pennies to buy tools and tooling before the lathe. I've never really been interested in getting into turning but I'd like to make some small handles for files and maybe the odd knob for furniture. I was thinking of the SC2 small chuck but wondered if I were to get a bigger chuck...
  13. P

    sharpen or buy new, circ. saw blade

    How much does it cost per tooth to sharpen a TCT saw blade in the UK? Here, it is cheaper to buy a new Makita blade for my chopsaw than get it sharpened, 50C a tooth.
  14. P

    old roughing gouge, any good for beginner?

    This is Robert Sorby, I have no idea of age, any good for a beginner? Any reason not good? 5/8" I'm interested in small stuff only at the moment like handles and knobs.
  15. P

    corner chisels, how are they used? lathe?

    I received these with a pair of skew chisels I bought. Are they for use with a lathe? I can't really imagine how they might be used.
  16. P

    Festool and 3D printing
  17. P

    shipping after Brexit

    If you think it's not easy to buy from Europe now, I have just ordered a prop shaft from the UK for my Defender, DHL has sent me a letter which I must sign if they are to deliver. The letter states I am willing to pay 200 euro plus VAT to have someone wave a Geiger counter over it to confirm it...
  18. P

    junior hacksaw blades

    Are there bi-metal blades available for junior hacksaws? I'm pretty sure I have seen them in the past but I don't think they are very common. Would they be more efficient at cutting smaller hardened screws and bolts than regular carbon steel? The kerf on a 12" blade is a bit difficult to handle...
  19. P

    Drilling 17mm hole in mild st

    I need to drill some 17mm diameter holes through mild steel, 20mm thick. How many steps tdo I have to take before drilling with the 17mm bit and what size hole do I start with?
  20. P

    Eclipse honing
