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  1. M

    English Workbench

    This is based on the English Woodworker's plans. It was a user on here that got me to give this bench a second look. I did intend to build a Roubo but costs (both the wood and the hardware) made me re-consider. The main goal of this build is to provide a stable bench and plenty of surface area...
  2. M

    Perscription safety glasses

    I hope I'm not the only person in the world that didn't know about this, in fact it feels obvious after the fact but sharing it as a heads up. As a wearer of glasses I've recently discovered that you can indeed purchase prescription safety glasses. The reason this never occurred to me on my...
  3. M

    Small Modern Shed Build

    A bit of background. I've been reading the site for a few years now and a while back became a member in order to ask a few questions. The amount of content (entertainment + education) I've gotten from here while the missus is watching some crap on Netflix is huge so I'm going to give back...
  4. M

    Dust Cyclones - Prevent barrell collapse with a relief valve

    I'm sharing this as a few weeks back the thread about cheap dust cyclones was a real game changer for me. I planned on getting one eventually but after reading that I purchased one straight away. Everything has been great and I wish I had this sooner but one thing has annoyed me - the barrel...
  5. M

    Rear of bandsaw blades aren't meant to be square to the table?

    See the images below. I should add that the blade is bang on square left/right of the blade to the table, just not front to back. Having just spent nearly an hour trying to align my table to the blade I concluded the only way to do this was to add washers to the underneath of the table...
  6. M

    ROS - 180+ grit discs?

    I recently picked up a Festool ETS 150/5 - I used it today for the first time but think I may be missing a grit, though it doesn't appear anywhere sells anything above 180 grit. Axminster don't have 220 as an option - not out of stock, not even listed. Even the official Festool site only has...
  7. M

    Overhead dust extraction/power cords

    I might be over thinking this, but in a few of the youtubers I follow these details are usually out of shot. For example, Peter Millard what does your setup look like? How do people handle a shop vac extraction overhead, with power cables attached? I'll be adding an MFT to my setup shortly and...
  8. M

    Up and over garage door replacement?

    Hi all, If all goes to plan we will be the owner of a new house soon with a reasonable size garage. I plan on converting the garage into a workshop, however it comes with a up and over door. I was considering my options here and figured you would be able to provide some guidance. I'm thinking...