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  1. P

    tooley park scriber update

    Hello All, It’s been a long time since I’ve been on here. The scribers have been my main focus so I haven’t been doing any woodwork for a long time and I’ve been very active on Instagram so not had time for other forums etc. I’ve developed quite a range of scribers now with accessories for...
  2. P

    Workshop Heaven Experiences

    Edited post: I was trying to contact Workshop Heaven on Thursday and Friday last week and wasn’t able to, my fault. Then I tried email and had a prompt reply back and they were very helpful. Thanks Phil.
  3. P

    New scriber design

    As a lot of woodworkers are using the Pica and Tracer pencils I’ve designed a new scriber which will hold these pencils. Here are some pics of the final product. Phil.
  4. P

    Scriber update and new idea.

    Some people might remember a thread last year about a scribing tool I’d designed and was hoping to sell. It was a very useful exercise for me and I learnt from the justified criticism. I have expanded the range and have sold over 160 so far which is a more than I ever anticipated including...
  5. P

    Adding a splash of colour to the scriber

    I’ve added blue and red to the colours on the scriber I make. People are generally choosing these over black, and red seems to be more favourable than blue. Phil.
  6. P

    Oak jewellery box with burr ash lid panels.

    Every time clients of mine have a new grand child they buy a box from me and I carve the child’s name on the front. This is the third box they have bought from me. This is an oak jewellery box with burr ash veneered lid panels. I gave the client the choice of an oak or lime nameplate and they...
  7. P

    Turning a spindle moulder into a router table.

    Router tables often crop up so I thought people might like to see my set up. Originally I bought one of those tables where you bolted the router to the underside and the table pivoted for access. I didn’t like it very much and at the time I had the opportunity of buying an old Cooksley spindle...
  8. P

    Walnut jewellery box

    I’ve just sold this walnut/burr walnut maple box which is going down to Taunton at the start of next week. This was one of a pair. They were quite a challenge to make because the dovetails are cut on a curve. I made a hand plane so I could shape the inside curve of the box. A commercial disaster...
  9. P

    Furniture scriber branding outcome.

    I thought people who contributed to my thread regarding branding the furniture scriber I've designed would like to know the outcome. After much thought I opted for using my url to go on the side of the scribers (for reasons not worth going into again). I decided to have a stamp made which...
  10. P

    Walnut jewellery box

    I sold this jewellery box today. It is one of a batch of 6 I made to the same design but using different timbers to give potential buyers a choice. I often make them in batches to try and keep the cost down. As with all my boxes this one is jointed with handcut dovetails. This one is walnut...
  11. P

    Your opinion about logos.

    A chap called Nathan (I believe from Murdoch joinery) rang me and gave me some feedback on the scribers. Generally he seemed to really like the tool but suggested adding a logo which I hadn’t thought of. I looked into having a stamp made of the stylised plane on my logo but have opted for...
  12. P

    Router cutter regrind

    I’ve been setting up a Clarkson tool cutter grinder for router cutter grinding in my on going efforts to diversify my income stream. I’m finally satisfied with the results but would like some feedback from others who use router cutters. If you are interested send me a cutter (no smaller than...
  13. P

    Clarkson tool cutter grinder for router regrinding

    With my ongoing efforts to diversify my income stream I bought a Clarkson tool cutter grinder some months ago with the hope of being able to offer a router cutter regrinding service. I took the grinder to bits and rebuilt it with a fresh paint job. The only thing I had to make was a new...
  14. P

    Another tool idea.

    Some years ago I bodged together a large compass for setting out which has been extremely useful. I’ve developed the concept into a kit where you machine the timber (roughly 31 x 20) to the size of compass you want and add my bits to the ends. I’m sure someone else has already done this but...
  15. P

    Advice on which youtuber might review my new products

    As I’m getting older and my back is becoming more problematic I’m trying to diversify my income stream and move away from struggling with lumps of wood on my own as much as I can anyway. I have the boxes that I make but I’ve also designed two products that I’m trying to get to a wider audience...
  16. P

    Book about James Krenov

    I came across this youtube video with an American chap talking about his new book on JK who would have been one hundred this year which some people might find interesting. There are other subjects on the channel but I haven’t looked at those yet. I have particular interest in Krenov because I...
  17. P

    New boxes

    Just completed 2 small batches of boxes, all dovetailed which is how I joint all my boxes. I letter carve as well if someone wants a personalised box.