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  1. Simon89

    What make is this portable drill press?

    Seen this drill press on eBay that would be great for a job I regularly do. Price is OK, but always like to look around for similar / used items Anyone know what make this is? Stamped as SCLC but I can’t find anything online...
  2. Simon89

    Replacement Riving Knife for Charnwood 619 Table Saw - 2.4mm Blade Thickness

    Hi All, Im in the market for a replacement riving knife for my Charnwood 619 table saw. I ordered a replacement from Charnwood, but it is too thick for any of my Freud blades 1.8mm body thickness, 2.4mm kerf A quick google doesnt just find me a suitable replacement. what do you recomend? 1...
  3. Simon89

    What is this (plastic) paper?

    I have some old drawing ‘paper’ that I use for transferring templates into cad It is made from a plastic instead of paper and it’s really good stuff! I have been using the same piece for a while as pencil rubs out easily. As such I would love to find something similar as I have a limited supply...
  4. Simon89

    Name that fitting...

    Hi All, What would you call the corner fittings used in the MDF box in this ebay listing? Thanks
  5. Simon89

    For Sale Elektra Beckum Dust Extractor

    Elektra Beckum Dust Extractor Good Dust extractor with a fine filter. I’ve had this for years and it’s always been great. Got some new machinery coming in so had to upgrade extraction I noticed a year or two back there is a bit of a crack in the plastic. I’ve been monitoring it and it has...
  6. Simon89

    3 phase in new workshop - advise needed

    I’m moving workshop in the new year and plan on getting some new machinery. It would look like it has 3 phase up to the meter. (3 x 415v 60A fuses) my question is how viable is it to fit 3 phase sockets? What would be involved for an electrician? The photos I got today are rubbish but should...
  7. Simon89

    For Sale Willow Whippetoff belt sander & Hoover motor

    Vintage Willow Whippetoff belt sander & Hoover motor Had this for a few years and it’s been great but hasn’t been used enough. Moving workshop so it’s time to move it on. Everything on the belt sander operates as it should and the bearings are nice and smooth The Hoover motor is a beast and...
  8. Simon89

    What to do with some Corian / HiMacs worktop?

    I have a piece of HiMacs worktop leftover from a project, approx 1600 x 700mm, colour black. 12mm thick, but can be laminated to ply/mdf to increase strength. I am moving workshops so it’s the perfect opportunity to use it for something. Ideas so far are a new router table… What would you do...
  9. Simon89

    Sold Screwfix Dovetail Router Jig

    Screwfix dovetail jig I’ve had this hanging around gathering dust for years and it’s time to rehome it. I’m not sure it has ever been used but does have a few marks from being moved around my workshop. Could do with a good wipe down and a squirt of oil on the threads (all bolts turn without...
  10. Simon89

    8 x 4 CNC router buying advise

    Hi, I’m in the the early stages of researching buying an 8x4 CNC router and not sure what machines to look at? Unfortunately a lot of manufacturers don’t advertise their prices, which instantly puts me off. The machine won’t get a huge amount of use in my workshop but I hope it will give me...
  11. Simon89

    What wood for shaker doors?

    Hi, I am looking to make some shaker doors for a motorhome. Whilst weight is a consideration, finish and stability come at the top of the list. The doors will have a painted finish. What would be your recommendation for a good choice of wood for the stiles & rails. The panel will likely be...
  12. Simon89

    Which used bandsaw £300 - £400

    I’m in the marked for a (used) bandsaw, budget of £300 to £400 or there abouts I would like to be able to cut up to a thickness of 150mm I’ve been browsing eBay but not sure how to begin narrowing down my decision. All suggestions appreciated :)
  13. Simon89

    Cup ring on newly applied Osmo finished oak worktop

    Hi All, I have recently finished an oak worktop with Osmo Polyx oil After only a few days I have marked the worktop with cups / mugs leaving behind some clear rings I have tried to lightly sand the area and re-apply oil but with no joy, the rings just show up again. Unfortunately the area...
  14. Simon89

    Festool Domino 500 stopped working :(

    My Festool Domino stopped working today, any suggestions on what to do would be much appreciated. As usual it has broken mid way through a project with a short lead time! Symptoms: when switched on it was running at a significantly reduced speed. switched off switched on again and not running...
  15. Simon89

    Resin fill engraved letters - outdoor table

    Hi All, I am planning an outdoor table with some lettering CNC engraved. To make the writing stand out I am thinking about resin filling the letters. Some advise please on how successful it will be. This will be my first shot at using resin so a little cautious! The table will be stored...
  16. Simon89

    Edgebanding ply doors to increase size

    I have had some furniture cnc routered in 15mm birch ply, cut using a 3.175 router cutter. I was originally going to cut some doors & drawer fronts on my table saw but wondering if the blanks that came from the cutouts would be useful. The blanks are too small as they are but I am wondering...
  17. Simon89

    What (pull?) saw for cutting internal ply corners?

    I am waiting on a load of 9 to 18mm ply to arrive from the cnc router shop. I have a few internal corners that will have a small rad, what is the best way or removing these? I am thinking a new pull saw, but there are just so many to chose from online. thanks
  18. Simon89

    Mitre saw dust extractor HVLP or LVPH?

    I am finally fitting extractor ducting in my shop and wonder if I am correct in using the HVLP to remove the dust? I have enclosed around the saw and is currently connected to the HVLP which seems to work ok. would this be better connected to a LVPH such as a Henry? I have seen both setups online.
  19. Simon89

    1/4" Drawer Pull Router Bit - which one?

    I am looking to find a half decent router bit for cutting finger pulls on kitchen doors. I am trying to work out if I need the Large pulls or small pulls, what would the convention be? (I am thinking large) It would seem that generally the large pulls are only available in 1/2", a problem as I...
  20. Simon89

    Iron on edge banding - is cheap any good?

    I am looking to buy some iron on edge banding for finishing the edge of some 18mm ply before painting. Looking on ebay, real wood edge banding seems a lot cheaper than I was expecting; ≈ £10 for 20m inc postage. Is cheap ebay edge banding any good or should I be looking to source from a more...