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  1. K

    FTAGH Axminster Index Ring

    I've changed my lathe to one with a M33 thread but I wanted to keep my Axminster Precision Chuck. I got in touch with Axminster about an adapter but they said they no longer supply them. RDGTools on the other hand sell a 100mm adapter plate to fit a Myford lathe for £19.50. This meant I had to...
  2. K

    Has Anyone Sold a Record CL3 36?

    I'm about to change lathes and want to sell my 25yr old CL3 36. I need to keep my chucks and tools so it will only include faceplate, spur drive, large Jacobs chuck and live centre. So, any ideas on how much to ask? It would be collection from South Staffs only.
  3. K

    How Saws Are Made

    Just came across this video. I don't follow this young man but he seems a very enthusiastic chap. Anyway, an interesting video of a Sheffield-based saw-making company Thomas-Flynn Co.
  4. K

    Rex-Cut Wood Copy Lathe Query

    This morning I collected something for my pond from Freecycle. This lady is a widow of a fellow who had a myriad of hobbies. When she mentioned he left a large lathe and didn't know how much she should ask for it I offered to have a look to see if I could advise. When I saw it was a woodwork...
  5. K

    Using AI For Inspiration

    My niece has seen all the decorated birdboxes I've made over the years and now she has her own house (how did that happen? She's still only nine in my head) and she would like one for her garden. I collect images from various sources and pin them into Onenote for reference when needing some...
  6. K

    What do I do With This Lot?

    Almost everything I make will be from reclaimed timber. A few years ago a couple of buildings were being repaired and refurbished. Some of the Oak timbers which could not be re-used came to me complete with ironwork embedded. These nails and hand-chased bolts would have been hand-made in and...
  7. K

    Another Wood I.D. Please

    I've had this wood for many years but I don't know what it is. The pieces I had and some I still have are no more than 50mm wide by 200mm long. It turns like oak and at close inspection the grain is very similar to oak. So, my feeling is it is an oak species of some kind. Could anyone put me right?
  8. K

    Wood Identification Please

    I have this piece on my lathe to turn a new handle for a tiller on a friends narrowboat. I chose it because it looked interesting and I only have this one piece which was originally 80mmx80mm by around a metre long and was used as what I think is called a bearer (the wooden spacer on the back of...
  9. K

    Wand Makers and Whittlers Help Required

    This morning I collected a pile of Hawthorne and Elder from a Freecycler. His two young daughters help and the youngest asked what will I do with it all. I said some of it I will turn into pots and small bowls but much of it will be for next years fire. She asked if I would be making any wands...
  10. K

    Freecycle Finds

    While reacting to the Parkinson Perfect Vise post with my Freecyle acquisitions, I was wondering if anyone else out there would be interested in posting their own lucky free-finds from the same or similar sites. I'll kick off with the photos I've just uploaded. A Parkinson Perfect vise, sickles...
  11. K

    Did You Build a Bar During The Pandemic?

    I built what was supposed to be a temporary garden bar in the hope of celebrating my 60th birthday in 2020 and my wife's in 2022. It was to be called Dans shed because that's what it is made from 'Dans shed' (a neighbour). But, we have a peacock that visits during most of the day and likes to...