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  1. C

    As easy as 1,2,3....

    Oh dear!
  2. C

    A new phrase?

    Those old enough to remember the decision to axe hundreds of miles of rail routes and stations will possibly still use the phrase "to do a beeching" when weeding/thinning out certain things. I wonder if "doing a vennells" will become a household phrase in the future?
  3. C

    Remember your first....

    ...ticking off at work?! Earlier tonight, I was watching some news report about how youngsters are suffering from mental health issues, and couldn't help wonder how they'd have coped with starting work in the 60's? My personal ticking off concerned being lectured by the branch manager, about how...
  4. C

    Crikey! Not made in China!

    Yes! My wife's just bought me something not made in China! Mind you, it does say "Made in Hungary" on one end of the box, and "Made in Germany" on t'other, but even so... Unbelievable amount of packaging - 100% recycled material - but boxes within boxes within bags within boxes get...
  5. C

    Royal Mail tracker...

    Track your parcel! Track your package! Inserted the reference number.... "An update will only be provided when we attempt to deliver your item" Well, that's bloody handy then! So when it's sitting on my doormat, I'll be able to track it!
  6. C

    Rats in a trap...

    We can always tell when the owners of the three horses in the field next door decide to rake out/patch up the cobbled-together stables...the rats come visiting! Caught one last night...he'd been walking along the conservatory window ledge when I opened the door, and more-or-less fell into the...
  7. C

    This time next year, Rodney....

    Looking for something else - isn't it always the way?! - I've come across my old Abbey National Instant Saver pass book, harking back to the days when I (presumably) bothered to try and save something! Looking through the entries, the balances kept on decreasing most of the time (!), with the...
  8. C

    Computer confusion....

    Very weird, this. I haven't a clue what the cause, or remedy, is.... I signed up for a course run by a very reputable author and songwriter, which is accessed through a Teachable site. Teachable is also a recognised safe bet, so no qualms about joining... The course is structured so that you...
  9. C

    ****ing boiler system...

    I've groaned before about out F22 boiler error. A Vaillant Ecotec Pro. During the summer, when the heating's not used, we used to get the F22 error every 4 or 5 days. The plumber suggested we had a leak in the system, although we never found one. Everything else seemed to be working OK, so he...
  10. C

    My wife's died. Well, according to Inland Revenue....

    My wife's employer's payroll department reckon there's something wrong with her income tax, and requested she contact IR to check stuff. Last night I watched over her shoulder as she tried to log in to the GOV site, using her 12 digit "Gateway" account. Nope, not recognised. Clicked the button...
  11. C

    I've just cleaned....

    ...this sliding door into the conservatory. Oh yes, I have. Warm water first, with a brand new microfibre cloth, followed by some Elbow Grease Glass Cleaner. Y'know, the "only cleaner you'll ever need..." Sprayed on, and wiped off with yet another brand new cloth. "Buffed" with paper towel...
  12. C

    Mini table saw?

    This chap uses a Harbor Freight Mighty-Mite saw with a specialised 4" blade, as shown in his video. (Here, if you want - ) There are various alternative jobs available on a certain auction site, but wondered if any of the contributors on here could recommend a particular brand/model? The...
  13. C

    I did drop a few hints...

    ...during the latter months of '23, remarking how useful a planer thicknesser would be. No, I wouldn't use it every week, and yes, I would have trouble fitting it in my shed, but... Now, this is going to sound ungrateful. I don't mean it to, but it will. I should be grateful for all presents...
  14. C

    Just what you fancy, but....

    Got home late, was more than a bit peckish, and heard my beloved ask if I fancied a pizza. Yep, I certainly did. The more I thought about it, the better it sounded. Just like beans on toast can do...there are times when it's just right.... Sainsbury's "Takeaway" Stuffed Crust Pepperoni Pizza...
  15. C

    Anyone seen these on sale?

    We bought 2 of these a few years ago from a local garden centre. They had a boxfull at the time, tucked out of sight under another display. We returned just after Christmas in order to buy more, and found that many of the displays had already been removed for storage....and they've never...
  16. C

    Bloody cold shed!

    6' square, shiplap shed, with 18mm ply on floor and interior walls. 12v lighting, courtesy of solar panel, a charge controller, and a couple of older 12 car batteries feeding the LED lights. Surprisingly bright. Obliged to keep a few things in there that I'd rather not get rusty/affected by...
  17. C

    Under the kitchen sink....

    ...sits the water stop tap. (I was going to type stop****, but then thought that the site censor might alter it to "stop pineapple" or something... :) ) Anyway, my possibly dim question is...should it be turned to be fully open, half open, quarter....? You see where I'm going here... Is there...
  18. C


    Courtesy of my Irish upbringing, I tend to still use "amn't" in conversation (as opposed to "I'm not", in case you're confused) It seems to amuse people....but why? Can't, won't, aren't, etc., are used all the time, so why not amn't?!
  19. C

    TV cookery....

    Does any cookery programme warrant 3 hours a week on BBC1? This bloody Masterchef thing seems to last forever.
  20. C

    3 names in a hat.... choose the dog's name. All equally relevant, catchy, able to be "emphasised" when needed. Decided best of 3... You're ahead of me, aren't you?! Each name drawn once. Discussion followed : the odds of that happening, please?!