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  1. M

    Fusion 360 for personal use

    Hi! I've been using Designspark Mechanical for years to design any 3D printed object I require. Others here have recommended Fusion 360 for various reasons and someone posted a video tutorial for it so I thought I'd try to use it again. The first time I found it appeared far too complex so...
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    Strange plumbing issue

    I've a strange problem with my plumbing so I thought I'd ask the vastly knowledgable collective for any ideas. Thanks in advance. I live in a house built in 1970. Two years ago, after we moved in, the boiler was replaced along with removing the header tank, putting in a Thermstore hot water...
  3. M

    ...... without paying the earth.

    Hi everyone! I'm looking to buy some magnetic, push to release, cupboard door latches without paying silly money for them. The only real spec requirement is that it should only require a door to carcass gap of about 2mm, i.e. you push it in 2mm and it releases and pushes the door forward...
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    Exterior House Design software

    I'm updating the outside of the house bought a couple of years ago. Do we render or use cladding of some sort or what? But those tiles have to go! I'm looking for a chunk of software (windows) that will allow me to mock up and visualise the outside of the house for the various finishes. Does...
  5. M

    Door stay/holder

    My workshop faces east so I have to be careful to hold onto the double glazed door when the prevailing southerly wind is blowing strongly. If I don't it smashes back into the DG window. It hasn't smashed it yet but it's only a matter of time. So I'm looking for a suitable stay to stop the...
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    Rutlands routers: any good?

    My 1/2" Erbauer router died yesterday in the middle of a job of course. I only use it occasionally for DIY stuff. I have it mounted in a shop made table with a Kregg plate. Looking around many seem incredibly expensive such that my pocket hurts just at the sight of them. There are two 1/2"...
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    How long should I wait?

    I've ripped a piece of oak (115 x 75mm) into four. Each piece is just over a metre in length and about 35 x 55mm. The original piece has been in a dry garage for about four years. It's all now sitting in my dry unheated, other than the solar gain, workshop. How long should I leave it to twist...
  8. M

    So how do I do this?

    I'm putting shelves into an alcove and would like to scribe them into the two side walls. I have a shelf currently wider than the space between the side walls so it obviously doesn't go in so that I can scribe either end. I can't see how to do it short of scribing a short piece in at each end...
  9. M

    A new workshop.

    Built myself a workshop over the summer months from a Lillevilla kit. Six metres by three: nice and roomy. I've already started filling it with sawdust.
  10. M

    Where do I stick 'em?

    I'm about to put up a shelf on to metal brackets - yes I know they should be wooden but it's quick and dirty for my study. Do I place the brackets at 1/3 and 2/3 across so the shelf length between the brackets is equal to the length outside them. Or should I put them at the 1/4 and 3/4 points so...
  11. M

    Get this clamp working!

    I've been given this Jorgensen E-Z Hold clamp cos I'm good at mending things so 'they' say. It's apparently brand new and was replaced by the supplier who didn't want this one returned. The mechanism works OK but gives very little clamping pressure. Any ideas to improve things? The clamp is...
  12. M

    Elektra Beckum flip saw

    Cor! Someone else with an Elektra Beckum flip saw. 😯 @John Brown John do you make use of the dovetail mitre slots? I'm wracking my brain (when I can get them going) to work out how to 'attach' a cross cut sledge that will remain nicely registered for more than the 5 minutes before the tops of...
  13. M

    Advice please: pine ceiling finish.

    So I've just about finished assembling my workshop kit. The ceiling is Wickes wonky pine t&g. I'd like to keep the pine finish, ie. not paint it but want to apply a finish to keep it from getting grubby over time. I'm not that good with the different types of available finishes so thought I'd...
  14. M

    Vapour control layer

    I want to put a 25mm layer of Celotex insulation into the floor of my workshop. Currently the floor comprises a concrete base, an engineered laminate flooring plank (resin impregnated?) ('cos I have loads) topped with a damp prrof membrane. On top of that are the wooden floor bearers with the...
  15. M

    FTAGH Woodworker magazines

    When I moved house I inherited 133 copies of the Woodworker magazine ranging from 1946 to March 1959. Five years are complete while another five have ten or eleven. Free to anyone who wants them. Collection preferred from near Haywards Heath, East Sussex. Martin
  16. M

    Preservative recommendations

    I'm about to have my new workshop delivery. It's a Lillevilla kit where the individual 44mm wall beams interlock with the one above and the one below. I would like to apply a suitable wood preservative to these interlocking faces before the build. What you recommend? Screwfix have the Silka...
  17. M

    Paint spraying equipment?

    Would kind members recommend paint spraying equipment suitable for applying finishes to MRMDF please. I'm a bit strapped for cash so an economic solution will be good. I have five or six cupboards/wardrobes to build and finish. TIA Martin
  18. M

    Cutting corian

    I'm going to build a bathroom sink unit in the near future and am thinking of using Corian for the countertop. Does anyone have experience of cutting it or any tips about how to do so? Does one need special tools or particular blades? Tia. Martin
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    Dam% Damp

    Moved into a new home (for us) three weeks ago. What a lark! Vendor hadn't removed all his mother's goods (even longer story and had gone on holiday) before completion. Went over night before simultaneous exchange/completion to see how much was left, to be met by panic stricken estate agent...
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    Unusual Vice

    Well I've never seen anything quite like though that doesn't mean too much. (hope this is the right thread for this sort of thing. Mod please change if necessary). Just moved into a fresh house (and that's a story of catastrophe if ever there was one but that's for another day) and in the...