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  1. paulrbarnard

    UK online safety law

    Yes seen there is another thread started yesterday. Ignore this one Mods, what is the forums position in U.K. Online Safety Law? Is U.K. Workshop, being US owned, subject to this? A quick scan of the legislation suggests it would be subject as it is targeted at the U.K. if it is it seems...
  2. paulrbarnard

    Non woodworker woodworking videos

    We have all seen them. Videos where a completely unskilled woodworker does woodworking. Do you think these add value or create completely misguided content? Here is an example from a photographer I follow, have actually met, and have a great deal of respect for as a photographer. He has a...
  3. paulrbarnard

    Thought on AI

    A comment made by @Sideways about future students looking back on threads and drawing conclusions made me wonder how much of our back and forth on weighty topics such as sharpening and EV’s has already been consumed by AI. I wonder if the posts of a few members are the cause of the...
  4. paulrbarnard

    Double fail for Amazon

    I bought an NMVe disk from Amazon at the weekend. It arrived Monday and I plugged it in and it formatted to 500MB not the 4TB it was supposed to be. I sent it back and ordered a second one to replace it. The second one turned up today. I opened the sealed outer envelope and discovered the...
  5. paulrbarnard

    Dry rods

    my daughter has a damp walk in her kitchen. The builder she has contacted has recommended dry rods. I know nothing about them, do they work?
  6. paulrbarnard

    Which 18g Brad nailer?

    I’m in the market for an 18g nailer down to 20mm. I don’t have air in my workshop which is a limiting factor. I am invested in DeWalt as far as batteries go and do have a 16g nailer from them. I’m open to another brand or corded. Recommendations?
  7. paulrbarnard

    Peter Millard Tote and the perils of temptation

    @petermillard just put up a video of a very useful tool tote that fits inside a Systainer. One of my daughters and a son-in-law are slowly amassing tool kits of their own and generally having a go at DIY and making small things for their homes. Both have need of tool boxes to store their...
  8. paulrbarnard

    Interesting targeted phishing attempt DVLA

    I received an email from the DVLA yesterday informing me that my vehicle excise duty needed renewing, which it does this week. I have it on standing order so was suspicious. The email looked very convincing but hovering on the links showed a site in Spain not the that it should be. I...
  9. paulrbarnard

    Just when things are going great….

    Framing up a load of pictures for the family before Christmas. Youngest gave me six pictures to frame and the first three look great. Unfortunately two of the images managed to stick themselves to the bottom of a bit of foam core. I’m assuming static…. I just cut the foam core only to discover...
  10. paulrbarnard

    I can see the floor!!

    I have some pictures to frame for Christmas. Mess, dust and no clear surfaces are not compatible. I’ve been forced to clear up. Anyone else doing a pre Christmas clear up?
  11. paulrbarnard

    Child labour - when did you start you kids off in DIY

    Apple just delivered me a ‘memory’ from my photos. It was a good one 😀 Ive always involved my kids in projects since they were little and as a consequence they are all pretty handy today. When did you first involve your kids in DIY? Here are two of mine fitting a hardwood floor. Six and...
  12. paulrbarnard

    Idiot builders

    My daughter asked me to tile her kitchen for her birthday. Arrived this morning to do the job and noticed the wall was damp. Tapped the wall with my finger and it sank right in. Turns out the last time their kitchen was done the builder dot and dabbed standard plasterboard on to a known damp...
  13. paulrbarnard

    Re roofing my workshop

    Time for a new surface on the roof. Starting to get some leaks. It’s a nailed on felt roof tile job at the moment. I’m intending to use coroline sheets. Can I get away with just putting it on top or should I rip the old felt off first? Of course I’m being a bit lazy but also suffer terrible...
  14. paulrbarnard

    What is a bisgay or disgay

    My wife is reading a book and it says “He took his “bisgay”, a garden tool, and killed him” A little further down it says “The axe part of the disgay” So is there a bisgay or disgay gardening tool that has an axe head as part of it? Google has been unable to offer anything up.
  15. paulrbarnard

    A todays screw up was…

    I’m rushing to get a cabinet built for my daughters bathroom so was in a rush last night to get the doors drilled out for the hinges. I use an LR32 rail for this so it’s pretty quick and fool proof, well it is if you don’t act the fool. I switched the end stops on the rail to get the right...
  16. paulrbarnard

    Today was a very different day than I planned

    My daughter is having some work done on her house. Her bathroom is being replaced and I said I’d replace her kitchen for her. I went to her house today to chop in a couple of additional sockets/fused spurs for an extractor fan and dishwasher that will be installed in the new kitchen. The...
  17. paulrbarnard

    Ok I’m getting old.

    Not wanted to face it before but I took delivery of some Medite MRMDF 19mm boards today and now I know for sure. I’m no where near as fit as I used to be. Only five sheets to carry from the drive to the workshop, 66m, but that was a serious chore. On a positive I closed my exercise ring in my...
  18. paulrbarnard

    Fixing the Festool TS55 dust port

    As everyone knows Festool really dropped the ball on the recent TS55 track saw with the floppy nozzle for the dust port. There are various fixes, including an inner tube fix by Peter Millard. I figured I could do better 😀 Here is the problem. The weight of the hose always results in the dust...
  19. paulrbarnard

    Online source for high quality router bits

    It’s my birthday in a couple of weeks and I will be receiving an OF1400. I have been using a FTAGH MacAlister that I received from @weekend_woodworker. I have a ‘set’ of assorted bits I bought for a pittance from the local hardware store but they leave a lot to be desired. Can anyone recommend...
  20. paulrbarnard

    Well that didn’t go as planned.

    I got cornered in to tiling the bathroom floor and got about half way through and noticed one of the boards was a bit bouncy. Looking at the screw pattern I saw they had missed a screw at the edge of the board so put one in. It resulted in a hissing noise that I thought was either a peed off...