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  1. M

    DML24 tailstock alignment

    Hi All, I've got an old and battered DML24 that I've been using for an odd turning job and for making chessmen. I appreciate the lathe is entry-level at best, but so far it's done everything I wanted it to do. I would now like to tick off penturning from my bucket list, and I need better...
  2. M

    Veneering curves

    Hi All, Hoping for some advice about veneering. I've done a lot of flat veneering - that is, putting veneer on flat surfaces, when you use the glue of your choice, then clamp it to the surface an Bob's your uncle. I've also done some lightly curved iron-on veneering with titebond I - apply to...
  3. M

    Anvil flatness tolerance question

    Hi all, Just hoping for a second opinion on whether I am being unreasonable or not. Was looking for a benchtop anvil, and found a UK made one from Reclaimed Railway (ebay, etsy, etc). Essentially, it's a 130mm-long chunk of old railway with the top of the rail "machined perfectly flat"...
  4. M

    Any riveting tips?

    Hi All. I believe there are a few airplane engineers on this forum. Are there any tips or know-hows for riveting metal parts together? Surely it can't be as easy as just whacking it with a hammer? In particular, riveting steel to aluminium (with mild steel rivets). and riveting with brass...
  5. M

    Safety files?

    Hi All, Is there a place where one can buy safety files in any shape, size & cut in the UK? E.g. I'm looking for a 2mm and 3mm thick barette file, or same thickness but with teeth only on one small edge (don't know the name for it. Kind of like a barette, but the only cutting face is on the...
  6. M

    Keyring kit ideas?

    Hi All. I've accumulated some various odd chessmen while making chess sets & trying out designs. I reckon rather than chucking them into the bin, I can polish them up and turn into keyrings, bottle openers, wine stoppers, etc. In regard to keyrings, can somebody recommend a solid, high quality...
  7. M

    Funny walnut smell?

    Hi All, I've done a fair amount of work with walnut, American and Euro. It's one of my favourite woods. I love the way it works, the way it looks and, of course, the way it smells when you're cutting it. A while ago I bought a great-looking piece of supposedly Euro walnut off some bloke on...
  8. M

    Masur birch alternaitves?

    Hi All, I'm wondering if there's any good alternatives to masur birch? I'd like a similar look for one of my next chess sets - light colour with light figure & marbling pattern, but the stuff seems to be crazy expensive. Maple burr comes to mind, but is it easy to turn, is it stable, and can it...
  9. M

    2.5in bandsaw table inserts - where to get them in UK?

    Hi All, I've got a very old Axi 14" bandsaw (Delta 14 clone) with a 2.5" table insert (side notch). The table insert is getting to the point where it's barely doing its job, so I think I'm long overdue for a replacement. Does anyone know where I can buy a table insert in 2.5" (that's 63mm) in...
  10. M

    Unusual 30 degree bedrock frog?

    Hi All, I've picked up an old noname bedrock-style frog - sized somewhere between No 4 and No 3 for a plane build. The frogs looks like any other bedrock frog apart from the fact that it's got a 30 degree angle. Anyone got any ideas what plane this is designed for? BD? BU? Thanks.
  11. M

    Chess pieces advice?

    Howdy folks. I've wanted to turn a chess set for quite a while, but never had a reason to do it, as I don't play chess. Recently my daughter got into it and I figured I'll turn a nice tournament-size set out of olive and bubinga. Perhaps make a good board to match it, if the pieces come out...
  12. M

    Another hand saw restoration thread

    Hi All, So far I have been a happy user of Japanese pull saws, however, every cool kid on the block seems to have an old restored hand saw, so I thought I'd join the club, attempt to restore a couple saws and learn to sharpen them properly. A quick browse through ebay, and I got myself a...
  13. M

    Wooden hand planes suggestions?

    Hi All, I am going through a wooden plane phase and currently considering replacing my metal planes with an arsenal of woodies. The plan is to batch produce a variety of woodies from bits of scrap i have around the shop and see if any of them work particularly well for me. Would anyone have...
  14. M

    Any suggestions for wood for turning rings

    Hi All, I would be grateful for some advice on what wood to pick for turning a pair of rings, both to go on titanium blanks. Ring one: 8mm wide, with 5mm groove to be filled with wood. Ring two: 4mm wide, with 2mm groove. So I need something that will look impressive as a thin strip embedded...
  15. M

    Idiot's question about induction motors

    Hi All, My pillar drill's motor appears to have packed up this morning (serves me right for not using the drill for anything apart from drilling :roll: ). The motor is now seriously lacking torque when starting - it would barely spin at about 60 RPM if trying to start the drill in high gear...
  16. M

    Wood reamer materials advice needed

    Hi All, I am looking to get/make myself a set of wood reamers in a variety of shapes & sizes (trying my hand at making baroque flutes). I would be very grateful for advice on what materials can be used for a reamer for hardwoods. As I do not own a metalworking lathe, my options are rather...
  17. M

    Best set-up for boring deep wide holes?

    Hello all, I would be grateful for some advice on how to accurately bore deep wide holes. I am looking for the best set-up for making hollow dowels, 14" long and, say 1" OD and and internal diameters varying from 13 to 19mm right down the centre of the dowel (i.e. 1 dowel with 13 mm ID, one...
  18. M

    New wood turner - just got a DML 24x

    Hello All, After a long fight with the burning desire to get a lathe, I have finally bought myself an old Record DML24x with a set of 5 basic turning tools. "The Book" is already on its way and I am looking forward to trying the lathe out once I clean the rust off and sharpen the tools. The...
  19. M

    New bench drill questions

    Hi All, I apologise for yet another bench drill thread, but I have got a couple daft questions that I am hoping to get get an answer to. So far I have been using an old Aldi (Powercraft) bench drill that, despite a decade of abuse, has been working reasonably well for my needs. The few things...
  20. M

    Choosing a 7" vise

    Hi All, I have recently decided that it's time to say goodbye to the old ikea table that I've been using to date and build myself a decent bench. I would be grateful for some ad-Vise =D> on choosing the 7" vise. My current options are: Dick (Non-QR) Axi (QR) Eclipse (QR) 9" QR Dakota...