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  1. Nick W

    Ickworth Park Wood Fair

    Is anyone going to this? Actually, I have just tried to look it up on the National Trust site, where it did have an entry earlier this year, but that seems to have disappeared. So does anyone know if it really is happening? Supposedly on the 13th/14th of this month.
  2. Nick W

    Whatchamacallit - help...

    What is the bit where a square section merges into a round section called? I can't for the life of me remember at the moment. :oops: Next question will be: How do I draw one in SketchUp, but I may be able to find that out once I know what it's called.
  3. Nick W

    Remote backup

    I'm thinking of buying a large disk to use as backup for our computers, but want to put it out of the house, so that if there should be a fire/flood that takes out the 'office' it won't also wipe out the backup. We have a wireless network, so my question is, what is the minimum amount of kit...
  4. Nick W

    Stainless pocket hole screws

    Does anyone know where (if) I can get stainless steel pocket hole screws? I'm building some bathroom units in Oak, and they have to be dis-assembleable to get them up the stairs. I don't want to use plain steel screws for obvious reasons. TIA
  5. Nick W

    Photobucket and YouTube

    Both seem to be tits up at the moment. Coincidence, or do I get to start a new consipracy theory? :?
  6. Nick W

    Osmo Polyx

    I've been asked to make some vanity units in a coachhouse conversion. The floors are Am White Oak with Polyx as the finish. The cabinets are to be AWO too. Bearing in mind that the units will inevitably get wet, would Polyx be OK to use as the finish for these? I see that Osmo also do a Top Oil...
  7. Nick W

    NickW's Big Bash - Broken.

    I'm very sorry folks but, for personal reasons, I'm going to have to cancel the planned bash at my place. Hopefully I will be able to do something in 2008.
  8. Nick W

    Woodwork magazine Issue 96 Dec ’05

    Does anyone have a copy of this kicking around? I am after the article about a Savonarola chair. Will pay for a photocopy to be made and posted, or an e-mailed scan would do me. EDIT: Oops that should have been, and now is, Woodwork magazine.
  9. Nick W

    Restrictive practices?

    I'm currently trying to sell my Alibre Design Professional licence, as the software, good though it is, doesn't do what I need. Having suffered the extortionate practice of having to buy it from the UK distributor in the first place at worse than $1 to the pound, they are now trying to tell me...
  10. Nick W

    Mirror fronted wardrobes

    I have a request to quote for a set of built in wardrobes with sliding mirrored doors. They want to see nothing but mirror when the doors are closed. The front is around 2400 wide by 2300 high. Has anyone got recommendations (positive or negative) for running gear, and a favourite method of...
  11. Nick W

    Steam, the letting off thereof

    Bad day at Black Rock. My car, which broke down last week, leaving me with a £100 tow-home bill (they don't make too much of the fact that most insurance policies' recovery cover only gets you the first 10 miles) went into the garage today - the earliest space the local garage had (my local...
  12. Nick W

    Extending Glass Top Table

    I have a glass top, extending dining table to design. I'm thinking of having leaves at the ends which will slide out on members running on heavy duty drawer runners, or maybe sliding dovetails (its OK I've done them before). However once the leaves are out, the glass then needs to move upwards...
  13. Nick W

    Money matters

    If cabinet maker A were to work for cabinet maker B, in B's workshop, but on a self-employed basis, what would be a reasonable hourly rate of pay to pass from B to A? For the sake of this discussion let's assume that A is pretty competent.
  14. Nick W

    Avast difference

    I got peed off with Norton this morning when it repeatedly refused to start up properly, leaving me in a state where I could not send or receive e-mail so I took it off my system. And what a task that was. :roll: I now have Avast installed. However now, when I use the Back button in IE7 on...
  15. Nick W

    Ubuntu - is it for me?

    Quite a lot of people are saying how good Ubuntu is, and I'm wondering if it's something I should look at, given that my just-over-1-year-old laptop is starting to suffer from the effects of bit-rot. My Laptop is a Dell Inspiron 6000 with a 1.86GHz Pentium processor and 504MB of RAM. The 80GB...
  16. Nick W

    Bash at NickW's - Date now Fixed. 1st September.

    In order to keep things separate, seeing that there now appear to be two Bashes in the offing, I have started this new thread. Mods could you make it sticky please? The location is my gaff, just south of Cambridge. You can get the address from my website.
  17. Nick W

    Sketchup and mouse wheel

    Someone, sometime mentioned that there was a setting somewhere in SU that changes how the model moves when using the middle mouse button. I can't fine the post now, nor can I find the setting in SU. Could some kind soul point me in the right direction please? TIA
  18. Nick W

    Anchors aweigh - gloat

    Look what I won off ebay. Note box complete with lid. Plane complete with all cams. Is this a complete set of irons? OK, so what's missing/wrong? :roll:
  19. Nick W

    Orange SoD

    As the owner of a Windoze laptop (a mistake I won't be repeating btw), I have been becoming more and more familiar with the good old Blue Screen Of Death. However this morning I was suddenly presented with a totally orange screen: no messages, no script telling me that the machine had crashed...
  20. Nick W

    Quicky experimental Tambour - very long with lots of pics.

    I have wanted to make a tambour door for some time, and the recent arrival of a new printer in the office mean I needed to make a stand for it PDQ. So I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. The cabinet will stand against a radiator (must get a bigger office) so there is space at the back...