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  1. M

    Finish advice for walnut guitar amp head

    Hi all After some advice on finish for this amp head I've made for my uncle. He gigs in pubs quite a bit so its going to need to be robust. I've seen some online that are covered in thick varnish that just make it look like plastic which I think would be a shame. Maybe several layers of danish...
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    Fitting butt hinges to a box and how to reduce the gap

    Hi all I've recently made this oak dovetail box and I'm trying to fit brass butt hinges. I've cut them into the back and lid so they are flush, but this leaves a substantial gap at the back. I could cut them in deeper, but that looks rubbish. Are there better butt hinges that don't do this...
  3. M

    Capacitor advice for a Startrite 275 table saw 240v

    Hi all Been a long time since I popped by the forum! Lots of life changes. Glad to see the forum is doing well and lots of new members. My table saw has been slowly loosing uumph over the last year. I rarely use it to be honest, but need it to work when I do. From reading round it seems most...
  4. M

    Books - final clearance - updated

    I have decided to finally relinquish my hold on my final hoard of books. I have read every one cover to cover as there is always something new to learn. There are some gems in here. Condition is generally good to excellent, but I have noted where there are any imperfections. All books priced...
  5. M

    Ash bowl end grain tearout options

    Hi all Still pretty new to turning, but have had some small successes. I got a stash of Ash logs and rough turned some bowls a while back. I've come to finishing them and they are rock hard! :lol: I turned one the other day, but just as I got to final thickness I got a lot of tear out on...
  6. M

    Cyclone system filters still clogging

    I purchased one of these and have it sat on top of a dustbin. My dust extractor is clone of one of these albeit with a 2" inlet. The motor is protecdted by a filter cartridge which is in turn wrapped in a paper filter bag. The trouble is there is still a fair bit of very fine dust getting...
  7. M

    Truss roof design and build

    Afternoon all Work is underway for our rear extension but we keep changing our mind about the roof. The design is set, but ideally we would like to vault the ceiling. We had originally thought of having two steels, one at the top of each side, but it seems to be adding more complications...
  8. M

    glass for workshop windows

    Morning all I'm making the windows for my workshop at the mo. Quite simple affairs and will have metal mesh or bars behind for security. I was going to put in double glazed units but thought perhaps laminated glass would be more secure and cheaper? Does anyone have any experience of this...
  9. M

    New workshop

    Morning all The ground has been cleared and hardcore in and compacted. I am going for 4800mm x 6700mm. With 100mm wall thickness this will give 29.9 square meter which is just below the 30 allowed within permitted development. The building is over 2m from any boundary so the ridge height...
  10. M

    php web development project, some assistance required

    Afternoon all Any php developers on the forum? I'm really after a prod in the right direction as to where I could learn how to accomplish this project. I used to do web development until about 5 years ago, but this will stretch any skills I still have. I used to do all of my coding by hand...
  11. M

    supplies for framing

    Morning all I have made up a load of framing material from odd bits of wood around the workshop and now need to source the glass, mount board and backing board. I'm happy to cut all of these (the glass to a lesser extent, but I've done it before). Got me to thinking if anyone sells glass...
  12. M

    building extension with steel frame

    afternoon all I am designing an extension to our 1950s bungalow and considering building methods. Does anyone have experience of building with steel frames? I'm struggling to find the right information online to evaluate if this would be possible/cost effective/benefits. Specifically: If I...
  13. M

    Milling boards on a bandsaw

    Morning all I have slowly been clearing the jungle garden at the house we bought a couple of years ago. There were a number of badly placed horse chestnut trees including some near to where we plan on creating an extension. Plenty of good firewood in there, but it seemed a shame to just burn...
  14. M

    Incra mitre gauge bar thickness

    Evening all I recently picked up a second hand Incra Mitre 1000HD. Seems like a great piece of kit, however my startrite 275 has a 3/4inch mitre slot, but it is only 6mm deep and the bar on the Incra is about 12mm deep. I do have some aluminium bar that I could possibly retro fit the bar...
  15. M

    which curved spokeshave for small work

    I'm looking to get a curved spokeshave and have seen this excellent review by Chris Knight from 2004. Anything to add to the mix since then or any personal preferences? I'd really like to get my hands on a few different ones at my local Axminster but they seem to be out of stock of them all...
  16. M

    dust mask mould spores

    there was a thread recently I'm sure which someone mentioned about mould spores in their 3M dust mask. I've tried the forum search and google advanced search but cant find it. I have a 3M 6200 mask which I find very comfortable and i'm certainly happy with the filtering, but I noticed mould...
  17. M

    Letting go

    They tug at our heart strings, they claw at our emotions, yet we just cant bear to let those damn off cuts go. When was they last time I used one? Cant remember. Do they get in the way? All the time. Will I need one of them the very next time I enter the workshop after throwing them all out...
  18. M

    better way to oil chopping boards

    I've made a few bits for a local craft fair this weekend including some chopping boards. Approx 250 x 150 x 30 and with a 25mm hole in the top corner for hanging them. Oiled with Osmo top oil which is creating a really nice food safe finish, but its been such a PITA to finish them. The...
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    Price of walnut

    Just been to my local timber merchant for some planed AB Walnut. Can someone check my calculations please? 1 x 20mm x 290mm x 2740mm = 0.016m3 or 0.565cubft = £195 I make that £12187.50 per cubic meter or £345 per cubic foot. If this is right, I'm giving up woodwork here and now.
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    Last Man Standing - Film about Flinn Clifton

    Very nice film by Thomas Flinn saws about their production of handmade saws and planes. Some really nice detail about the making processes. The chap who is sanding the saw handles looks like he could use some new overalls!