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  1. markturner

    Dust collection thoughts

    I have recently got a spindle moulder and its in a separate part of my workshop, quite a way from the old sheppach half horsepower extractor I use for the bandsaw. Which is not great anyway.....I do have a Festool CTL26 which does all the small power tools. Looking at workshop extractors, they...
  2. markturner

    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    I know several threads exist on here and have looked at most. I have a specific query regarding the sashes I am currently making and installing. They were glazed using trad putty 2 weeks ago, stored in the house & workshop for painting. I am told by the glazer we can paint after 2 weeks, but the...
  3. markturner

    Spindle tooling advice

    As title, as proud new owner of a Hammer F3 I am looking to get some tooling and spend as wisely as possible. I will mostly be using for rebating, gooving, tenoning, and the occasional bit of profiling for sash window bars etc. I have been looking at getting one of these...
  4. markturner

    Spindle moulder advice

    Hi, I am considering buying one, needs to be compact and I want the best possible quality for the money........any comments on a Hammer F3 3 phase machine? Been looking at new itech ITWMBUWS1000TA for similar money. Both come with power feed and sliding table........ Looking to spend up to £2.5K
  5. markturner

    Thoughts on sash window costs & time

    So I am making some sash windows from scratch for a neighbour and have completed the first three. Bearing in mind I dont have a professional workshop and did al the machining etc using a router table I wonder what you guys think of the costs and times so far. I ordered the cill section ready...
  6. markturner

    Wadkin PK riving advice please

    Hi, I have started properly using my Wadkin PK saw which I restored several years ago. Hwever, I notice that the riving knife is not properly aligned with the blade. This is very tricky to adjust, as it simply bolts to a steel bracket. I remember having to get the riving knife made as the saw...
  7. markturner

    Tracking down the correct router cutter for a sash window

    I am restoring some old sash windows for a listed building and while I can find several cutters that produce a shape near the required, ( for example here: they all seem to be rounder than I...
  8. markturner

    Help with extraction please

    Hi, have recently brought a makita bench top planer,( very nice little machine BTW....) and also have a UJK router fence on my router table with a 63mm outlet. I have been doing some internet shopping for adapter solutions, so I can use my Festool extractor to remove the dust etc. I thought I...
  9. markturner

    Best way to joint a window mullion to the surrounding frame

    Hi, as title, making a couple of windows by hand rather than the usual buy them in option and while I have the cross joint worked out for the mullions, I scratching my head a little for the best way to locate / attach the mullions to the horizontal and vertical frame members around them. They...
  10. markturner

    For Sale Felder CF741S universal machine for sale

    Hi, I am looking to sell my single phase Felder universal machine, which I purchased approx 2014. Its had only hobby use apart from 18 months in 2019 when it was used for some small scale furniture making. It has a host of extras including powerfeed, fence extensions, various blades and some...
  11. markturner

    Wadkin PK 3 phase to single phase

    Hi, I am moving my workshop from my business premises to my new house, which does not have 3 phase supply. I know you can run a 3 phase machine on single phase using an inverter, but that is about the extent of my knowledge... Anyone here who knows about this? My saw is an old PK, what rated...
  12. markturner

    advice on hinges please

    Hi, I have almost completed a piece of furniture ( a sideboard / media unit) for my lounge, which will have 3 doors on it, 2 inset ( 1 LH & 1 RH ) and one central door that will be a half overlay. I imagine I will be restricted to using euro style hinges ( unless someone can tell me different)...
  13. markturner

    Wadkin PK restoration finished (just about)

    Hi, you may remember I posted a while back a link to the canadian woodworking vintage power tools forum where both myself and wallace hang out - it's Grand Wadkin central. I never managed to re post all the descriptions etc from my restoration over here, but you can read the full story there...
  14. markturner

    Old back saw restoration advice

    Hi, I got this saw recently with a job lot of old tools and whilst its nothing special, I fancied returning it to a better state. Now, the blade was a bit corroded and needs a sharpen, but its not terrible. I cleaned it up a bit, but I don't think I can get it much better than it is now...
  15. markturner

    buying lee valley tools over here

    Does anyone stock or sell lee valley tools over here? I want to buy their rip cut dozuki and flush cut saw package. Cheers, mark
  16. markturner

    PK restoration

    I know Wallace is currently doing one, which is why I did not bother documenting mine here, but I have a thread going over at the Canadian woodworking forum, Vintage power tools section, which has details of my current PK saw restoration. So for all you Wadkin fans out there, here is the link...
  17. markturner

    Not sure if its real or not but funny all the same

    This is priceless....what separates women from men...! ... 63374.html
  18. markturner

    Cast iron welding

    Hi, I may need some cast iron welding done on a recent purchase ( quite exciting, further details to follow) ....I understand this is not a straight forward or easy thing to do. is there anyone here who knows how to do it, or knows of anyone who could do this?
  19. markturner

    felder machine dust exraction advice

    Hi, I have a CF741 universal machine and would like to know how anyone with similar machine gets around the problem of the outlet points for the extraction being the wrong size to connect easily to standard reducers. I have to sleeve them to match with tape and bits of correx, which works, but I...
  20. markturner

    Anyone interested in making some pieces for a job?

    Hi, we are hugely busy here and have 5 bespoke kitchen projects in the queue, one of them the client keeps changing design and its kind of falling outside of the remit of the stuff my usual guy does. ( sprayed modern handless kitchens and built in stuff) Although I would love to do myself, I...