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  1. H

    Riving knife

    I'm new to these saws and mine is missing it's riving knife, so don't actually know which type it should have or what it looks like. PM me your number and I can give you a call later if you like
  2. H

    Riving knife

    Which is a 1972 saw likely to have?
  3. H

    Riving knife

    Does anyone have a riving knife for a 72 era 10" Wadkin AGS that you could measure/draw around? Mine is missing, but I have a contact that can make me a new one if I draw it on CAD. That goes for any other sheet metal parts if anyone needs anything. Thanks.
  4. H

    Your worst accident or near miss

    When I was an engineer I was drilling theast hole in the last peice of steel on the drill press. It was an older machine with an emergency stop that didn't work and the on/off/forward/reverse lever just above head height on the main pillar. I was wearing the correct safety gear as advised by our...
  5. H

    Hello from the Peak District

    Hi, been dabbling in wood butchery for a while, making the odd cabinet for customers here and there as part of my property maintenance business. But after a recent back injury the doctor advised I change my line of work to stop it happening again, so I've decided to concentrate on the carpentry...
  6. H

    Wadkin 10" AGS and BAOS 12"

    Picked up a 10" AGS yesterday for my new workshop and also scored a BAOS 12" planer thicknesser for £200 too. The guy said he needthe space and had never used it since buying it. So after a 200 mile round trip to collect both machines - the saw from Liverpool and the thicknesser from Nottingham...