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  1. N

    Wood and finish for butcher’s equipment

    Morning All, just an update following the really helpful advice above. I went with maple in the end and made a couple of hand shaped tenderisers that the butcher client is very happy with. And for the record I am more of an Islay man!
  2. N

    Woodworm advice

    Many thanks to everyone for your advice - much appreciated. I have had the timber for a number of months and rough cut out the components before storing indoors for that time. Moisture content is c.12% according to my meter so hopefully that should help the situation. I will also treat it as...
  3. N

    Woodworm advice

    Morning All, I’m currently making a small console table using air dried timber that the client has provided. Following machining I’ve noticed a few woodworm exit holes. This is by no means extensive - perhaps 3 or 4 holes in the whole piece. What would you do?! 1: ignore and carry on 2...
  4. N

    Bluetooth Earbuds

    Evening All, I'm after some bluetooth earbuds for listening to music and podcasts in the workshop. I won't be using them for ear protection, I have proper ear defenders for that so I need them to be compact enough so ear defenders will go over the top when I'm doing anything noisy. Noise...
  5. N

    Branch/stick wood garden gate

    Afternoon All, I've had an enquiry about making a fairly traditional garden gate but which would incorporate some stick or branch wood elements - broadly along the lines of the photo attached below. My instinct would be to make the structural members from oak (but would be open to other...
  6. N

    Who wants one of these for xmas

    Is this what happens when you rush to Aldi for one of their cheap electric chainsaws but all they have left are angle grinders and welders?!
  7. N

    Wood and finish for butcher’s equipment

    Thanks everyone for the advice - glad I asked! I like oak but seem to be using litte else at the moment so it will be good to have an excuse to use something different.
  8. N

    Random orbit sander - buying suggestions

    Ha! Thanks for the tip Blister.
  9. N

    Random orbit sander - buying suggestions

    Thanks again to those who recommended the Metabo ROS. I received mine last week and have used it today properly for the first time. Really pleased with useability and the result. It's also been a bit of a revalation in that the cable is usefully long AND my exatractor plugs straight into the...
  10. N

    Wood and finish for butcher’s equipment

    Morning all, I’ve been asked by a local butcher to make a copy of the attached in solid wood. He uses it to beat his meat (no sniggering at the back) so I guess it’s some kind of tenderiser. My question is what wood would you use and what (if any) finish would you apply? The plastic (nylon?)...
  11. N

    What is the best hand tool for rounding edges and creating long sliding dovetails?

    Another vote for block or no.4 plane followed by a custom made cabinet scraper from an old saw blade. I used that method recently on some 30mm radius oak corner posts. Worked really well and was very enjoyable to make and use the scraper.
  12. N

    Random orbit sander - buying suggestions

    Thanks very much everyone for your helpful suggestions - really appreciated. I’ve decided to go for the Metabo but no doubt the dewalt would have been good too. I’ve also ordered some pad savers and abranet- all turning up tomorrow so Christmas has come early for me! Happy sanding.
  13. N

    Random orbit sander - buying suggestions

    Morning all, my ROS requires replacement. I currently have a makita bo5041 (125mm dia) which has provided good service for c.8 years. It’s been decent if unremarkable. Main bug bear is the ridiculously short cable. Any recommendations on a replacement/upgrade? Budget is £200 max. I don’t want...
  14. N

    Shop made rise and fall mechanism

    Thanks everyone for some really helpful suggestions- much appreciated. I’m going to digest all that then get back to the drawing board.
  15. N

    Shop made rise and fall mechanism

    Thanks for your thoughts. No, it is 90kg! The cordless drill idea is also a great one - stroke needs to be c.200mm so that would avoid a lot of tedious winding.
  16. N

    Shop made rise and fall mechanism

    Thanks for the idea. Unfortunately Stroke needs to be c.200mm
  17. N

    Shop made rise and fall mechanism

    Evening All, I'm trying to figure out how to make a mechanism which will raise and lower a 700mm long c.20mm dia rod or dowel. The rod/dowel will need to stay horizontal and will need to carry a load of c.90kg. My intial idea is as per the sketch attached. The plan would be to use a piece of...
  18. N

    Resharpenable saws or throw away saws?

    No experience of sharpening either of those I’m afraid but I have tried sharpening saws. I bought a few old disstons very cheap on eBay to practice with. I started with a rip saw (maybe 5tpi?) which is at the easier end of the scale when everything is new. The saw file and tooth setter were not...
  19. N

    Resharpenable saws or throw away saws?

    Spear and Jackson predator saws are also great for making cabinet scrapers when they come to the end of their sawing life.