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  1. C

    A general DRO question

    Cheers ChippyMint, but I've just fitted a unit and it's working really well.
  2. C

    A general DRO question

    After a day of fiddling with my tennoner trying to get the joinery perfect I reckon it's about time it was treated to a set of digital readouts. It's a 5 head Dominion BXA which is slightly smaller than a Wadkin EKA but with a similar travel configuration. Top head traverses side to side and up...
  3. C

    Making hardwood DG sashes - Advice on how to cut rebates

    The table saw method requires the crown guard to be removed from the saw which is perhaps not great advice for someone who isn't that experienced with woodworking machinery. If you're using a piece of kit and have to start removing safety features, then you might be using the wrong piece of kit...
  4. C

    MFT accurate cuts

    What's the dimension between the flip stop and inside of the cut in the sacrificial top? Not sure I've ever got too worried about 1mm discrepancies TBH.
  5. C

    Festool TKS 80

    All fair points, cheers. I'm still a little surprised there hasn't been more made of them (good or bad) though.
  6. C

    Youtube !

    At least YT gives YOU the option, unlike the BBC and their Director General. Watch it or don't watch it, pay your subs or watch the adverts...the more on-demand content available the better, at least it doesn't make us watch bloody Eastenders.
  7. C

    Festool TKS 80

    Anyone? I have been away from the forums for a bit, but was considering one as a site saw and was expecting you lot to be all over it with good/bad/indifferent (tick as appropriate), but there's virtually nothing. Not much more on FOG either! I'd have thought the Festool Sawstop thing would have...
  8. C

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    That really is lovely work, but who wee'd themselves on the herring bone in the last pic?
  9. C

    first go at timber framing

    Not too sure what the questions really are (perhaps I got you confused with JohnnyD who I think used to post here). Cut the M&T a bit baggy and chamfer the ends (sides, front and back) if you're having to dry fit then (if you're after the timber frame look) you could peg the joinery which is a...
  10. C

    Felder website

    Anyone managed to login to it recently? I keep getting an SSO error. I've tried re-setting passwords and stuff, but nothing seems to work...please don't tell me I'm going to ring them as all they tell me then is it's cheaper if you order of the website!
  11. C

    Celebrity woodworking

    MikeG is never right because he was/is a bloody wicket keeper...and everyone knows that it was a bye rather than a wide. Soz, Just Kidding.
  12. C

    Celebrity woodworking

    Whoa Whoa Whoa sweet child oh'mine All the guy is doing is a bit of marketing. Someone has told him to hit social media then forums (fora yada yada) like this. I bet he's a bloody good woodworker and could help loads of people with stuff. I think we all need a cuddle.
  13. C

    Throw away your tape measure!

    While I was taught to use a rod, to be honest, I tend to use CAD for design and build now. DIMS on the drawing of the various components and you're good to go. Cut one component, then 'measure' all similar components off that I cocked a rod up once and five internal doors basically became...
  14. C

    Sash windows

    Stunning. I am seriously envious. Did you do the project management yourself?
  15. C

    Georgian Bars

    I think we're talking across purposes. There's what I consider a glazing bar as a lump of timber with a rebate on the back and mould on the front(for single glazed stuff) or stick on glazing bar for DG units. I'd consider stick on window 'bead' as a jumped up face frame.
  16. C

    Georgian Bars ... bar#p65807 Scribed version but dowelled...from a guy that knows a thing or two about woodworking.
  17. C

    Georgian Bars

    I might have got the wrong end of the stick here, but from what I read the OP is not asking how to scribe the joint, but how to build the moulding tunnel(and if the scribe is the question then Dr Bob is bang on...a Mason's mitre is the way to go. I do it with a small stub tennon, but a dowel...
  18. C

    What grade of oak do you use most?

    Wow, I bet you're popular :lol: Seriously though, I've just bought a pack of what was termed as super prime English oak, which incidentally is really good gear (although a bit case hardened in the kiln). It's about a cubic metre and I paid £50 a cubic foot for it. It was 30mm thick off the saw...
  19. C

    Lie Neilsen 97 1/2

    So; over the course of the last year I've been working for a guy, on and off, who is doing a grade one listed cock-up/refurb. I've made a few windows, some beading and other bits and pieces (matching skirting and that). Christmas Eve he turns up with a parcel rapped in brown paper and wishes me...
  20. C

    Credit where it's due

    Well yeah (I suppose with a huge straightening table it might work) but in real life no matter what you put through a moulder it comes out as wonky as it goes in, but remember this is the internet, so we can argue about anything as if we know what we're talking about. Edit: the above is no way...