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  1. C

    Query about my flat pack tv stand

    A professional what built that for you?
  2. C

    Built in bookcase WIP

    Sorry missed this - as you were everyone, nothing to see here.
  3. C

    Built in bookcase WIP

    Looks good. Can't quite work out from the drawing; is there a face frame going on that lot, or are you banding the edges of the MDF?
  4. C

    Spindle Moulder vs Router

    Spindle and powerfeed every time for me. I think after the planer it's about the most used machine in the workshop.
  5. C

    Birch ply prices

    Just had some really nice BP delivered 2 X 18mm, 2 X 12mm & 1 X 6mm for £216 + VAT. Dug the invoice out and there's no break down, but I think the 18mm was ~ £70 a sheet.
  6. C

    Pine v Redwood...does it matter?

    Some of the reds I've had recently has been bloody appalling. I buy sawn 9 x 3 at 12' or 16' and grading has become a PITA
  7. C

    Saw I.D?

    It's a Startrite - and if it comes at that money then fine but the fence is a pig if it's not right. Also the cost of spare bits is a joke if you're not able to do your own fabrication.
  8. C

    Installation drill / driver

    Ta, was tending toward the red one, to be honest as I already have a some chargers which do the 12v as well as 18v.
  9. C

    Installation drill / driver

    Hey all, Got a couple of kitchen jobs (and other bits and bobs) coming up in the New Year, and was thinking of getting a light weight drill driver. All my battery gear at the moment is 18V Milwaukee which is a bit bulky for fitting Euro-hinges and other hardware. Was looking at the Milwaukee...
  10. C

    What type of glue for a workbench?

    The lads in the W/S next door swear by whatever brand of PU the rep is punting out this week. I despise the stuff and tend to use PVA for everything - don't think I've ever had a failure regardless of brand.
  11. C

    Wadkin BGS10…The rarest table saw Wadkin made. Full Restoration

    That looks fantastic. Top job. Now hurry up and get it boxed off as there's a Dominion BXA sitting in my workshop just waiting for the magic touch:p
  12. C

    MFT - wossit all about?

    I have an MFT and wouldn't be without it. For building cabs in a small workshop or on site they're brill.
  13. C

    Joining bay window boards

    I think I'd Mason's mitre, with biccies / loose tenon / Domino. Apply glue to the tongue/tenon/biscuit. Hoik it all together with some gentle pressure from a pry bar at one end then fire finishing nails through both ends of the joints to keep it all together until the glue cures. Fill the nail...
  14. C

    Workshop extension

    Currently looking to build a 10 by 8m extension to my existing shop. The timber frame is made and the concrete down. Having thoughts about layout now so I can plan the leccy supply. Anyone any thoughts on this:
  15. C

    Minor PC problem.

    TBH this has started happening to me on my new Spectre 360 HP. I put it down to Windows 11 teething problems. Only intermittent though.
  16. C

    MDF or timber skirting

    MDF for me.
  17. C

    I don’t want to build a workbench

    There doesn't need to be huge cost or a mountain of work:. I'm still using this: Built over 15 years ago out of some native D/F and any other rubbish I had kicking about. I think it took me a day to make. I've made some alterations, as needed, over the years.
  18. C

    Making a cupboard door in the traditional shaker style without a router table

    There's also a method described here at about 13 minutes in on how to do it safely(forget the Festool guff BTW). Can be done with any router and you certainly don't need a Domino.
  19. C

    Lee Valley and linseed oil paint

    Very over-rated if you ask me. I used some on a flush casement, at my gaff, a couple of years back - cill is now in **** state.
  20. C

    MR MDF

    What are people paying at the moment? I need a pack of 18mm and a pack of 6mm for a run of cab doors. Just got a rough internet price and it made my eyes water. Cheers, Ed.