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  1. C

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Thanks very much. It means a great deal coming from you. Most of my stuff is standard joinery, so the CNC cuts MDF profiles for swept head windows, and the like. It's kinda groovy to use it for fun projects.
  2. C

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Don't dis me...I had to press a button, and everyfink :lol:
  3. C

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Soz, I can't claim any great skill, I did them on the CNC.
  4. C

    Another oil drum planter.

    I know what you mean re: chucking some wacky stuff in a project, but wriggly tin just doesn't pickle my onions...also I don't have the imagination to turn out the stuff you do. I've just given away a very, very old line-drive Robi saw bench, that originally had a 3' blade on it. I remember the...
  5. C

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Had some free time today so had a crack at some signs for a mate. I found some slightly manky elm and graded it best I could. [/URL] Ended up like this: [/URL] I'm a bit naffed off with the split in the "Plas Y Coed" sign, but I have a little more of the same board that I might be able to...
  6. C

    Another oil drum planter.

    Sorry; the planters look good, but the thought of using rusty wriggly tin on a project leaves me a bit cold (speaking as someone who normally loves your stuff). Maybe I've spent too much time on a farm, where rusting sheets are a curse!
  7. C

    rotary sanders

    I've got a Rotex. It's a good all round sander. Rubbish with Abranet paper though. It sort of bridges the gap between belt and ROS, although I'm not sure it was a gap that really needed bridging.
  8. C

    Sash Windows

    I've got a sheer cut rebate block, with no scribes, that I use for glazing bar...Although I don't think I've ever made a sash so delicate that the scribes would have made much of a difference. Sorry for derailing the thread.
  9. C

    Sash Windows

    Sorry if my reply came across as a little terse, it wasn't meant that way. I was genuinely interested to find out if you knew of any. Actually, this leads to a moderately interesting question. When you grind your own cutters, do you make them so you cut the mould and rebate in one pass, like...
  10. C

    Sash Windows

    Any at all? I've never seen a spindle cutter that come close to a trad sash profile, other than the ones I've had made. If you can copy your profile onto a piece of graph paper, NLS or Whitehill will make chip limiter knives for you.
  11. C

    Sash Windows

    To be honest making sliding box sash windows (I'm assuming this is what you mean) is not the black art it's sometimes made out to be. Especially if you've got an old one to rip apart and see how it all goes together. I'd happily go through some of the basics, but would guess I'm a bit far away...
  12. C

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Knocked this together today with off-cuts of Jewsons' finest rubbish 'joinery grade' reds. Notice the short T&G's only for me so I don't mind too much.
  13. C

    Robinson ECT spindle moulder bearings...

    Just replaced the bearings on my spindle. Hopefully the SKF numbers will be helpful to someone. Bottom bearing is sealed: SKF Explorer 6308-2RS1/C3 Top bearing is open: SKF Explorer 6310 In the following picture; bottom bearing top, top bearing bottom...obvs:
  14. C

    Which wood should I buy

    I made this... ...10 years ago, out of western red cedar. It's never had any treatment or finish applied. Funnily enough, I was looking at it the other day while fitting a deck and, other than the usual silvering, it's still sound. I'm not advocating not treating exterior joinery, just...
  15. C

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    WOW! The spearmen look pretty good also. I wish I had the skill and patience to turn out stuff like that. Back down to's the last of a million (ish) windows I've made recently. If I never see another anther piece of glazing bar it'll be too soon.
  16. C

    Box Sash Renovation

    To be honest, I don't glue the linings on at all. Nailed and painted in place seems to do the trick. EDIT:because this has been bugging me... I'm starting to doubt myself, but I still don't see the advantage of tongue and grooving the outer linings and stiles (I'm assuming this is what we're...
  17. C

    Box Sash Renovation

    Yeah, I think it was Ellis where I saw that detail. I've always just copied what was already there. All the stuff I've seen has been country work, so I assume it's perhaps a bit rough and ready, but fit for purpose. I've always assumed Ellis's stuff was tailored for chippys daaaan Laaandaan way...
  18. C

    Box Sash Renovation

    Interesting question. I don't claim to have vast experience, but I've only ever seen housed liners in books. All the box frames I've seen 'round my neck of the woods are planted on. Perhaps a regional thing? To answer your question, I've not experienced water ingress issues with planted on liners.
  19. C

    Box Sash Renovation

    It's all been a bit long winded, but there have been issues beyond my control. The before: The after:
  20. C

    Bobby's new build thread

    Ahhh, sorry. Missed that bit. The windows look brilliant. Just as a matter of interest; how long did it take from order to delivery?