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  1. C

    Veritas Large Front Vice

    Yeah, but it came in handy once. For the life of me I can't remember what for though :lol:
  2. C

    Veritas Large Front Vice

    Yeah, it racks alright. It lasted a day and a half on my bench before it was replaced with an old Record. ...and I think a quick release vice is essential also. I use a 52 on the front of my bench and a 52 1/2 on the end.
  3. C

    Veritas Large Front Vice

    I would suggest you've never used the Veritas thing (I would only hesitantly call it a vice) then? I can assure you it's not a red herring, but a complete deal breaker.
  4. C

    Veritas Large Front Vice

    To be honest, they're utter bobbins. I have one you can have for the price of postage. PM me if you want it, but I wouldn't bother if I was you. Edit to say: Soz Nabs, didn't mean to undercut you, only read your post after. It's just I'm having a clear out at the mo, and it'd be going in the...
  5. C

    Basic door design...

    I have a really simple job for a zoo. They're animal enclosure doors that'll have mesh set into a 7mm * 30mm groove in the door. I thought someone might be interested in how I do my designs. I'll transfer the dimensions onto a rod in the morning.
  6. C

    Pricing help!

    And short dumpy blue legs & a rubbish hat.
  7. C

    Pricing help!

    Soz, I compiled a really long winded (but hopefully informative) reply to this thread then the forum S/W decided to loose it for me! The rub of it was I could do the making in a day and possibly shoot a coat of primer. The painting would take another day (although I'd be doing other stuff...
  8. C

    Linseed Oil Paint

    Why will the white require another coat?
  9. C

    Linseed Oil Paint

    Yebut, I did brush it on thin. There was virtually no obliteration. I've used some of the other colours before (red, blue and black) and this definately seemed to behave differently. I left it out in the sun today and it's getting there slowly. Thankfully I'm not fitting until the weekend, so no...
  10. C

    Linseed Oil Paint

    Don't get me wrong. I know it's good gear. The other colours I've used, while a little slow to dry, have been fine. I guess the drop in temperature hasn't helped much.
  11. C

    Linseed Oil Paint

    I bought two cans of linseed oil paint (one black and one white) a few months back, but as most of my painted gear gets sprayed it gets used fairly infrequently. I lent the can of white to a mate who I'd made a sliding sash for, telling him it's the business and will probably lead to the...
  12. C

    The ultimate sharpening thread - unmoderated.

    Do you lot ever use these razor sharp edges to actually cut anything? My method is to rub it up and down(and sometimes in a figure of eight) on the back step until I can feel a bit on the back, wipe it off on my jeans and then go and do some woodwork(phnar :lol: ) Today, either side of a...
  13. C

    Best (budget) way to join railway sleepers.

    this by mtr1 on woodwork UK
  14. C

    Quality Chainsaws - Husqvarna & Stihl the only options?

    My Dad gave me a Danarm when I first started. I think it was from the late sixties and I'm pretty sure that didn't have a brake, it had no damping either, so could rattle your fillings loose. But I seem to remember saws being sold as late as the mid nineties with no brakes. Edit: a quick Google...
  15. C

    Quality Chainsaws - Husqvarna & Stihl the only options?

    The lads 'round here use Stihl for hardwood and Huskys for softwood. All my kit (chainsaws, hedge cutter & strimmer) is Stihl, and I wouldn't consider anything else. When I worked in the woods, anyone who turned up with a Jonsered saw got laughed at as they used to blow up after a couple of...
  16. C

    Record T5?

    That chair is lovely.
  17. C

    Festool Domino just blew up!

    I've had a knackered switch and a broken gearbox on mine (it gets a hard life) and Festool have repaired both without batting an eyelid. Next day Fedex pickup, and I've had it back within a few of days on both occasions. I still think Festool are overpriced and the build quality is a little...
  18. C

    HELP! Pine unit stain gone wrong!

    My advice would be; knock it back with 240g(dry) then 1000g wet & dry ...wet. Give it two coats of primer/undercoat (denibbing between coats with 2000g wet) and finish with some Farrow & Ball(other paint manufacturers are available ) paint that seems fashionable. Fitted units look great if...
  19. C

    HELP! Pine unit stain gone wrong!

    Sorry, didn't want to add to your woes. I guess what I saw was just a remaining dark line of stain. What staining products have been used on the unit? It kinda sounds/looks to me like there's been either oil based used over acrylic or vice-versa. Maybe there are strippers(behave! :lol: ) that...
  20. C

    HELP! Pine unit stain gone wrong!

    I'll add my best wishes for the new baby too. If you decide to paint, why not get your decorator to do it as it sounds like they're, at least in part, responsible for the mess? Surely they can't cock a paint job up? One thing that's really bugging me in your picture is the cupboard...