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  1. C

    coffee table

    I'm not really a furniture guy, but to me the tables look really classy.
  2. C

    Pollys window typical window section

    But this is bonkers. You've all the kit to make a make one.
  3. C

    Pollys window typical window section

    I don't know how that is economical. I'm not sure that prototyping basic window making is really a thing...just get after it. By all means get yourself a bit of MDF or MFC and make a full sized drawing, you could mark out your mortices on a bit of 2x1 (I think they call this a story stick)
  4. C

    Pollys window typical window section

    Brill. You've got all the kit, so crack on!
  5. C

    Pollys window typical window section

    Yup, that's a plant on cill alright! If I was you, I'd get some timber and have a crack at making one. The biggest challange is the deep rebates, but with a little imagination you could do them with a table saw, router or one of them planes that old people use...if you don't have a spindle...
  6. C

    Pollys window typical window section

    Outer face of brick to the front face of each window I imagine (sorry Coley, if I'm treading on your toes)
  7. C

    Pollys window typical window section

    Err, soz if there's something I've missed here, but why would you be roping the frames up on a scaff tower? Surely they'll all be fitted from the inside...won't they? Also, I think you might be in danger of over thinking the job. Your windows are pretty straightforward, other than the sliding...
  8. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    El cheapo for me, and I've not had any paint fall off yet.
  9. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    Nah, I think it's from here: ... %20Shop%22 I've always just used Bartoline from Amazon. It's about 18 quid for 5 litres.
  10. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    Thanks Jacob. Just ordered some from their website.
  11. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    Just had an email back from Oldhouse saying they've lost the franchise for Alback.
  12. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    Fair enough, but where do I get a tin of black from now? I've tried ringing and emailing them with no joy. I think the point is, although I really like the paint, from a trade perspective, the distribution seems a little unreliable. The last lot I ordered took about a month to arrive (from...
  13. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    To be honest that is what is starting to bother me. It's gone from Holkham to Allback with different colour descriptions over the last couple of years. If I can't get black now I'm going to have to explain to the client that all the boll'x that I sold them about the fancy paint is just...
  14. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    I've never bothered with the linseed soap (never heard of it if I'm honest), but always prime with patent knotting (all over) then a coat of linseed oil. Wait a bit for it to try then on with the paint. The knotting raises the grain and the oil primer seems to key better. Please note; this...
  15. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    In my limited experience (other than the white) it's been brilliant. I have to agree with Jacob. It's easy to paint on and get a decent finish. I've been looking at a load of doors, a window and a porch repair that I did on a place about 6 years ago (all in black) today, and they still look...
  16. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    Sorry for the hijack, but has anyone bought any black linseed paint recently? I think the last lot I bought was from some outfit called Precious Earth who don't seem to do it anymore. carry the Allback stuff, but don't seem to do it in black. I've emailed them, so I'll...
  17. C

    Chisels n planes help!

    It sounds like you guys are trying to find an argument, but you don't know what to disagree about. To the OP; chisels are about the simplest form of handtool...added to that, no matter where you get them from (B&Q/Aldi/Lidl/Axminster/WorkshopHeaven/D&M and many other tool shops are avalable)...
  18. C

    Possibly the worst promotional video I've ever seen

    I've been keeping an eye out for Felder saw spindle combis for ages, and a recent bout of insomnia (and the usual YT search slip) brought me to this little gem... Pure genius.
  19. C

    Veritas Large Front Vice

    Now that is flippin ace!