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  1. C

    Chippie's Tools

    So... just before Christmas my Cousin's better half mentioned to me that they had some tools, belonging to his recently deceased Dad, that they needed to get shut of. With me being 'in trade' they may have thought that the usual collection of manky adjustable spanners and junior hacksaws would...
  2. C

    Do you use wood yards in Wales?

    I've had some nice stuff in the past from Hoyle Hardwoods in Llangernyw, North Wales. Website;
  3. C

    interested in your experiences paying for tradespeople

    One thing that has occurred to me while reading this thread is what trades are we talking about? It might sound like a daft question, but I can turn my hand to most disciplines in the building trade. I can plaster (after a fashion), I can lay blocks somewhere near plumb, I can point...
  4. C

    Which Veritas plane do I buy?

    Sorry to wander OT, but this has got me thinking: After many years of woodworking(purpose made joinery mainly, with odd spurts of furniture making mingled in) I own the following: LA block - which I hardly ever use Record No. 5 - which is my fave, but weirdly I don't use very often 2 X Record...
  5. C

    Flush front door plans?

    Soz, but I'd never make an external front door like the one in your drawing. All rails need to be thru-tenoned into the outer stiles, and you really need a lock rail
  6. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    This has been a really interesting thread, and made more so by not so many endorses/detractors. I would sum my experience up as follows: Pros: Really nice to paint on Brilliant finish, even on manky old joinery Low odour Cleaning brushes is a doddle Cons: Drying time is bonkers in white...
  7. C

    FTAGH Dewalt DW733 Blades - NOW GONE TO GOOD HOME!

    I'm having a new year clear out, and found these at the back of a drawer. They'll probably need sharpening, but they're yours if you'll drop a quid into the next bucket rattler you see. I'll cover postage. PM me if you're interested
  8. C

    Trying linseed paint - £141.68 for 1 litre

    I don't think I've ever seen anything like that, but I'm still convinced it's an oily hardwood issue. I think we might have some sapele in the workshop, I might give a scrap a coat tommoz and see what happens. What was the glass house made of Gareth?
  9. C

    Sliding sash's online?

    Erm...what is? The OP wanted an online ordering system for some sort of window sashes. Your link leads to a website that's about as much use as a box of wet Rice Crispies. They'll be plenty of people local to him/her that can crank windows all day long, I'd imagine. Happy New Year. Ed.
  10. C

    Sorby Pro-Edge

    Any time, I'm just by Denbigh, LL16. Let me know when you're coming.
  11. C

    Sorby Pro-Edge

    Mike, You're only in Liverpool, why not call over for a cuppa and try the pro edge? Ed.
  12. C

    Sliding sash's online?

    I'm really not trying to sound like a smart apricot, but do you want casement sashes or sashes for box frame, sliding sash window? If for casement are they flush or storm proof (assuming a rebate for DG)? DG in a sliding sash is a PITA, so is it a replacement or new build? Also, how many...
  13. C

    Veritas Honing Guide Gone Awry - Resolved

    Yebutt, I think you should try it without a guide. Kind regards, The Free Hand Master Race. Seriously though, it takes the square root of bugger all to throw something out on a repeated process..just come and see me facing and edging by hand :lol: Clean the bearing surfaces and get it the...
  14. C

    Veritas Honing Guide Gone Awry - Resolved

    But why would you want to use a jig? Just kidding :lol: Edit: Could there be some sort of swarf build up under the roller? I know naff all about these things so please ignore me.
  15. C

    Spiral cutters

    Reminds me of a Leica Geosystems calendar we had a couple of years ago, where the tag line was 'When It Has To Be Right'. Trouble was; they missed out February.
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    Sorby Pro-Edge

    Absolutely, now the chisel is sorted I sold it. :lol: Truth was; I wrote a long winded post then clicked the submit button and it disappeared. I couldn't be arsed re-typing it, but I'd spent time uploading pics so posted a much shorter version, and I really do think it's quite good. General...
  17. C

    Sorby Pro-Edge

    Just had Sorby Pro-Edge Found a chisel in a garden: Ground the back: Reground the edge and gave it rub on the stone: About a minute and a half. All in all, pretty good.
  18. C

    Spiral cutters

    To be fair, if you create an account on the Felder website, once logged in they do publish their prices. Also, I bought an A3 31 about five years ago and I think I paid around about £2250 including the dreaded. They're currently £2990 (and I'm sure you'd be able to get some discount). I'm no...
  19. C

    Merry christmas

    I hope you all have a good one. I wish you the finest Christmas, Ed.
  20. C

    Regular Mortice Chisel or Bevel Edged for your Mortices

    A very merry Christmas to all. Edit: even if you don't use a sharpening method I don't approve of :D