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  1. C

    Steve Jobs on making stuff

    Eh? I didn't say Woz had anything to do with iStuff. In fact he had very little to do with the dev work for the Lisa or Mac either. My point was that the Apple II was responsible in no small way for the success of Apple. Without it Jobs wouldn't have had the tech or capital to develop his...
  2. C

    Steve Jobs on making stuff

    I find it quite sad that people seem to forget about the real genius behind Apple - Steve Wozniac. His 'baby', the Apple II, was a revolutionary piece of kit and I'm pretty sure Steve Jobs would never have been in the position to invent (or pretend to invent, depending on your POV) the Lisa, Mac...
  3. C

    Help needed with Axminster Planer/Thicknesser

    I'm not familiar with the machine, but it sounds to me like the bottom rollers are incorrectly set. There is an chapter in F. E. Sherlock's "Machine Woodworking Technology for Hand Woodworkers" which shows how to setup the feed rollers. One page in particular has some excellent diagrams. Does...
  4. C

    Kiln Drying

    How desperate are you to use the timber? The cherry is probably not far off ready for the kiln, but the beech sounds like it could do with a couple of months in stick for best results. Our unit is 20' * 8' and I'd need to have the kiln full before it's switched on. If you could let me know the...
  5. C

    Kiln Drying

    We've got a heat / vent kiln in North Wales. Not sure when we're next chucking a load of sawn timber in though, as it's currently drying firewood. How green is the timber, and what section is it?
  6. C

    Watch out - I'm back!

    I kinda guessed that, only joking mate - they really look the part.
  7. C

    What Wood For What uses Topic

    Don't want much dooya :lol: I'll give it a go though..... For painted, freestanding furniture, we use MDF where we can get away with it (ie stuff that doesn't need massive structural strength) For windows - Scots Pine (or possibly yellow pine, or sometimes DF) painted.....or something...
  8. C

    Watch out - I'm back!

    Very smart mate. Them must be big books. :lol:
  9. C

    storage shelfs (mdf??)

    It might be worth fixing a supporting batten underneath the back of each shelf (better screw holding). White pine from you're local builder's merchant or B&Q would do the trick. Remember to give the whole thing a coat of primer before getting at it with the gloss.
  10. C

    Green oak gates.

    Thanks Olly. This was my first real job in green oak and I learnt a very valuable lesson - don't leave a stack of the bleeding stuff on your surface planer over night, 'cos you spend the next morning cleaning the rust off :lol:
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    :lol: The machine came without the extraction hood. I couldn't wait to try it out, so ran a few pieces through it before making a new hood.
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    I've just taken delivery of this...... It's a Powermatic 12 * 6 thicknesser. It's American made, but beyond that I know nothing about it. Has anyone come across Powermatic stuff before? Cheers, Ed.
  13. C


    That end grain looks like keruing to me.
  14. C

    Green oak gates.

    Rather than just inhabiting the for sale section I thought I'd better show some of the gear that we turn out. This is easier said than done, as I'm rubbish at remembering to take photos of stuff until it's gone out of the door. Not exactly fine cabinet making, but here's some green oak gates we...