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  1. L

    New Tool gloat (for me at least)

    Bugger shot down in one. :lol:
  2. L

    For those with a bad back

    In true Victor Meldrew fashion "I don't bloody believe it" I thought my rough elbows were down to age :lol: So my swmbo is right the rough elbows is down to how I watch tv. Have you got any remedies as my elbows crack and bleed, it don't half hurt.
  3. L

    New Tool gloat (for me at least)

    Very nice gloat, you'll never regret buying those two planes. All you need now is make it a set with one more, perhaps this one and when Rob Lee gets around to it, one of these :lol:
  4. L

    For those with a bad back

    Blimey! I didn't know we had so many backaches here (I was going to put a smiley here, but had second thoughts, it's not funny is it.) I know Wizer suffers we've exchanged sympathy with each other several times. My back pain is caused by a damaged disc just below belt level, sometimes it...
  5. L

    Camera suggestions?

    Yes, Canon do RAW and sRAW covering a range of 12.5 meg (big as in A3 or poster size quality) per pic. Down to about .5 meg per pic. For normal pics to use on the web though I see no point in using it. This pic was originally taken in RAW format but compressed to jpeg HERE is the same pic...
  6. L

    What makes the ideal assembly table

    Mine doubles up as a table saw extension just like woodblokes, as in this pic It's rarely this clear though, it's normally buried in tools not put away :lol:
  7. L

    Camera suggestions?

    8gb :shock: at the highest settings on my camera that would hold over 2000 pics, at it's normal settings 28000 pics :shock: I hope you got a big hard drive
  8. L

    A moment of Zen

    If you try you can do anything :lol: :wink: I must get a life :lol:
  9. L

    Animal painting. If its not a fake its an amazing clip

    It looks real enough for me. Totally astonishing.
  10. L

    Dado on 10" Sip table saw?

    They wont fit on a sip 10" the arbour is not long enough.
  11. L

    I gotta Gloat :)

    Blue Spruce, an American Company Click HERE to view their site, mine are the paring chisels with the longer paring handles option
  12. L

    Grandson's side table

    =D> =D> =D> The pupil out shines his teacher :lol: :wink:
  13. L

    I gotta Gloat :)

    No leather, not even wrapped in cloth. Just a plain white cardboard box much like you can get in any post office, full of wood wool* *Wood wool. My term for wood shavings that look more like spaghetti.
  14. L

    I gotta Gloat :)

    I can't help myself :lol: 8) After waiting nearly two months today these arrived. It's the first time I felt like I should wash my hands before picking them up :oops: They all have the long Cocobolo handles fitted. Philly and Waka were spot on with how good they are. Now do I use them...
  15. L

    New Cupboard Project .....Coming to the finish

    Yes I got what I was given. I ordered it from Cambridge expecting to collect it from Saltash just across the river from Plymouth but they delivered it and talking to the driver it had come from Oxford. Yes they are frustrating, every time I've ordered the actual delivery was more than ordered by...
  16. L

    New Cupboard Project .....Coming to the finish

    The magic word WORK to me it's only a hobby which I love doing. I've never charged to make anything for friends or family as long as they supply the wood with plenty left over for me :lol: If I ever charged to make anything it becomes WORK and I would soon lose interest. For people like Dan...
  17. L

    New Cupboard Project .....Coming to the finish

    It was actually made in 29 days and I probably didn't do any work on it for about four days in total and doing the finish I probably only worked on it for about 1 hour a day so knock off another four days. So 21 days at about 5-6 hours a day = 105- 126 hours..... so lets split it and say 115...
  18. L

    Must have!

    I still think this is the best one on the market followed closely by this plane :lol:
  19. L

    New Cupboard Project .....Coming to the finish

    Yes you got it correct, I suppose the holes are bigger than the screws but they are countersunk, I don't imagine for one moment that the doors will shrink more than about a 1/16th probably less. I've just had a look there is some shrinkage but hardly measurable. The doors have bowed too, but...