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  1. K

    Carpenters Guild? why not try here, the "guild of master craftsman"
  2. K

    Back On the Band Saw discussion

    my fathers` next-door-neighbour recently purchased a record band saw (fairly large, not sure which model). anyhow..... has he had problems? has he ever! :shock: the first saw was wildy out-of-square, and seems to have been dropped from a large height on one corner :cry: after returning it...
  3. K

    Which Router Table ?

    sawblade, i would be very interested in a set of plans for the NY router table, prehaps we could do a swap, i collect the timelife woodworking collection that are full of plans.... any that you want?
  4. K

    Entry Level Drill Press

    having nearly removed the last knuckle of my right-hand little finger :shock: :shock: :shock: with an electric grinder (it kicked back on my :( ) I shudder and can`t look when i see dangerous stuff!! (at night i thank my lucky stars that it wasn`t my left hand [i play the guitar seriously])...
  5. K

    Entry Level Drill Press

    are motising attachements "on a whole" crap bits of kit, if so a mortising machine may be the way to go instead! when i worked at a woodyard (over my summers) i used a chain mortiser to motise out rail holes for fence posts. 4"x4" post, 2"x1" motise in one-go, what a machine! :shock:
  6. K

    Entry Level Drill Press

    i noticed on the axminster site that they don`t state which if the drill presses they sell has the facility to use thier mortising attachement (i.e. the correct throat/yoke size) does anyone know if the zxminster drill press stated above can be used with the motising attachment?
  7. K

    My first experience of nail guns :-(

    manythanks strange how you look at these things but never "see" them :lol:
  8. K

    My first experience of nail guns :-(

    sorry then :shock: was not intended (i his the wrong one) i ment to say :D and last line should say "it", not "i" :roll:
  9. K

    My first experience of nail guns :-(

    can`t wait to see the up and comming projects :shock: I`m also into woodworking with my father (nearly retired now, not really fair, that means he`ll get far more time to "play" than me :P ) I does help sharing the cost of tools, it enables you to get far better quaility for the same money...
  10. K

    My first experience of nail guns :-(

    sadly its exactly the machine that i had (obviously not your one [which seems ok]) I WISH i had taken some pictures now , be4 i took it back. not sure about whether I`d give another one a go..... the axminster one looks nice as does the freud one (a bit more expensive). anyhow, I`m sure your...
  11. K

    My first experience of nail guns :-(

    could you quickly post a front-view pic... if they have changed that much and they are indeed as good as you say I`m up for giving them another go! it was may last year that i had all the trouble.............
  12. K

    has any one used one of these

    was it the yellow perform jig for 50 pounds? if so i looked real close at both the trend craftrange jig (69 pounds) and the perform jig at the international show (saturday), before i descided on the bessey clamps that i bought :P I`ll be "in the market" really soon for buying a dovetail...
  13. K

    My first experience of nail guns :-(

    normfan: >> I dont see how it can clamp up out of alignment. i could`nt either, but it did, I think that the bush that rode up/down the chromed post was badly fitting. not saying it happens on all of em, and as i said the second one i got was FAR better (not perfect, but better). the point...
  14. K

    My first experience of nail guns :-(

    daveL> out of the box the ferm biscuit joiner was wildly out of square. Lowering the fence showed that it was no-where-near square. i.e. lowering it and looking at the front to compare it with the join line in the body-fence. I was able to clamp the fence square, but this envolved pushing the...
  15. K

    has any one used one of these

    i saw the woodrat at this years international woodworking show at ali-pali...... there was alot of people around the exhibit, it was certainly popular. I`d also never seen one before, can anyone explain what the advantages of the woodrat r?
  16. K

    has any one used one of these

    what a gr8 attitude u have, well done you obviously care a toss thats y you reply to these threads. as for using norm`s logo.... is supposed to be a bit of a joke.... prehaps that one passed you by some time ago? :P good one, we really need people like you *NOT* I`m the first to admit...
  17. K

    has any one used one of these

    i could`nt disagree more! surely a "less skilled woodworker" would have plenty of trouble (as some people have pointed out) adjusting said expensive jig to give a good/perfect joint let-alone have the head-ache of making thier own jig!!!! personally I`d have a go at building a jig, but to say...
  18. K

    NPJ130 NuTool Portable Thicknesser

    it sounds worrying that a thicknesser has up to 1mm of error across a planed peice of wood. can i ask how wide the wood was that you thicknessed? if you`re taking off 2mm, then surely a 1mm error in thickness is a 50% error :shock:
  19. K

    My first experience of nail guns :-(

    i could`nt disagree more. I`m "all for" cheap tools that work well, but the ferm biscuit joiner?????? the fence on the front was only clamped on one side (the vertical sliders), when the fence was clamped down it did`nt sit square with the saw blade!!!!!! :shock: which ment that the...
  20. K

    has any one used one of these

    my 2 penn`ath: surely anything that makes woodworking more accessible to the "less skilled person" (such as myself) is a big plus! I may not be able to cut perfect tennons with traditional methods, but if there is a device out there that enables me to see good results (without getting...