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  1. J


    Hi all A friend wants a piece painting in chalk paint and I believe that I need to seal the knots with shellac first, to stop the tannins bleeding through. Can anyone recommend a good make? Jimi
  2. J


    My blade just snapped and my bottom clamp has completely disappeared! If anyone finds it please let me know.
  3. J


    Thanks for the tip Marcros - I'll give it a try.
  4. J

    Retirement gift

    Lovely work. The robins look very lifelike. Jimi
  5. J


    Hi all Can anyone recommend a good finish for oak? I don't want to tint it any more than I have to, just bring out the grain and protect the wood. I could just wax it, but I was thinking about making my oil debut. Jimi
  6. J

    Wood splittting

    Thanks for the advice. It is a bit more serious than chipping though - on a metre-long board it has split the full length, down the middle, about 5mm deep.
  7. J

    Wood splittting

    Hi Brian. Yeah, the blade is straight and the speed is nice and slow. The splits are occurring nowhere near where I am cutting and seemingly only when I am either using a handsaw to cut the wood into manageable lengths, or using the scroll saw to lop a bit off - not when I am actually cutting a...
  8. J

    Wood splittting

    Hi Brian, thanks for the reply. I am using a number 5 skip, but it is splitting even when I am cutting it into smaller pieces using a handsaw - it splits along the grain when I am cutting across the grain. It doesn't seem to make any sense. Jimi
  9. J

    Wood splittting

    Hi all I recently got some 21mm redwood and sometimes the wood splits as I am cutting it. The splits are up to 5mm deep. Does anyone else have this problem? Is all redwood generally unstable, or do I have a bad batch? Jimi
  10. J

    Storing wood

    That is excellent advice - thank you. My workshop is a room in the house too but there is no space in there to lay planks on the floor. But my wife, bless her, has suggested I store it under the bed in our bedroom. I will stick it, as you suggest. Thanks again, Jimi
  11. J

    Storing wood

    Hi all I am about to purchase some redwood boards 20mm x 200mm in 2 netre lengths and I was wondering where would be the best place to keep them. Are they likely to warp? My options are a centrally-heated attic room that gets damp in winter; a damp cellar; or another centrally-heated room in...
  12. J


    Nice work Pete. What wood did you use? How have you finished it? Jimi
  13. J

    Our friend Bryan

    RIP Bryan.
  14. J

    computer advice please?

    Chris I upgraded to Windows 10 from 8.1, hated it, and downgraded again, following the advice here: ... -7-or-8.1/ Jimi
  15. J

    Wood supply for scroll sawing

    Hi Tomas I get my 18mm Baltic Birch ply from a place in Ilkeston. I use it for making toys. An 8ft by 4ft sheet costs around £60. I have found they will cut it into 4 pieces for free so that I can get it in the car. Jimi
  16. J

    Hegner SLOW release

    Hi all Does anyone else have this problem? I have the Hegner quick release knob for the top clamp, and it tightens brilliantly, but I have to use pliers every time to undo it, as the silver knob turns but the black threaded part stays still. It feels as though it should be welded onto the end...
  17. J

    Anyone suggest a good stool for scrolling?

    Hi Martin. No, unfortunately I couldn't stretch to the Hegner stand, so I have one from Silverline. It has a shelf halfway up, which I think will be too high to put the foot switch on, but possibly too low to put it underneath. I'll have the get the stool and then have a play. It might well be...
  18. J

    Anyone suggest a good stool for scrolling?

    All of these look good options, but how does this work with a foot switch? I suppose I could tie it to the foot rest! Jimi
  19. J

    Anyone suggest a good stool for scrolling?

    Hi All, Up until now I have been standing to work, but it is starting to do my neck and back in so I am thinking an adjustable height bar stool would work. Does anyone else use one of these? I use a foot switch so I am wondering how this would work. Has anyone else solved this problem? My...
  20. J

    Stupid question

    Hi All, Thanks for the replies. Sorry I haven't got back sooner - the whole world has gone mad for reindeer. Must be the time of year... I forgot to mention that my efforts are hampered by not having a car, but I thought I would try British Hardwoods in Keighley (thanks Steve) as I am on the...