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  1. J

    Acrylic paint

    I think it must be the paint. It doesn't require any thinning as it is is really runny to start with. I'll invest in some of the System 3 and give that a go. Thank you for all the good tips though :) Jimi
  2. J

    Acrylic paint

    It is mostly either pine or birch ply that I am trying to cover. I have been using water based acrylics - are oil based better? I tried with a base coat and also with a grain sealer but that seemed to make it worse.
  3. J

    Acrylic paint

    Hi all Can anyone recommend a good make of acrylic paint? I don't know if it is the brand I am using but it is very transparent and no matter how many coats I put on it won't cover the grain. Jimi
  4. J

    Olson double/reverse tooth blade supplier

    I used to get mine from the Woodworks site but they shut down. I am still trying to find a UK supplier. I know someone who may be coming over from the states next summer so I am hoping to ask him to buy some and then bring them over with him.
  5. J

    does anyone use polymer clay as inlays

    Epoxy resin might be a better alternative. It can be coloured and doesn't need baking.
  6. J

    does anyone use polymer clay as inlays

    Never used it but I do know it has to be baked. There is a minimum temperature it has to reach to bond with other materials ( I think 212 - 265 degrees F), but maybe you can bake for longer and lower the temperature? Maybe some hardwoods would only get hot but not char? Having said that, some of...
  7. J

    Painting wooden puzzles

    A good thought, but unfortunately the stain doesn't take on the edges of the wood because of the glue.
  8. J

    Painting wooden puzzles

    Hi Phil Thanks for the suggestion, but I too hate spiral blades! I have used them on a couple of pieces where the wood was too large for the saw. I may try a slightly larger blade.
  9. J

    Painting wooden puzzles

    I have thought of using the kerf from a larger blade but I don't think I will be able to accurately make some of the intricate turns. Also, as I am using birch ply, the edges are quite dark so I don't think spray painting will cover it - unless I do several coats, which will bring me back to the...
  10. J

    Painting wooden puzzles

    Hi all I am working on a project where I need to paint not just the faces of puzzle pieces but the inside and outside edges as well. My problem is that I don't think the pieces will fit back together again. Has anyone else faced this problem? What did you do? Jimi
  11. J

    Advice please

    Thanks Steve - that's a nice idea. I'll try that. Jimi
  12. J

    Advice please

    Hi all I want to attempt to cut my first portrait. I have looked online and am curious how people make the black backboard to glue it to. Is it something that is purchased and is already black? Is it a piece of paper sandwiched between the two? Is it wood that is painted on? Jimi
  13. J

    Looks interesting

    I agree - certainly as a scroll saw it is a poor substitute. But I am interested in the table saw applications. I don't have one, and most of the plans on the internet seem to require you to have one to build the things! It is the first design that I have seen that has a blade guide though. Like...
  14. J

    Looks interesting ... saw-table/
  15. J


    Why do you put the masking tape on both sides?
  16. J

    Downloading plans

    I love Pinterest! I get so many of my ideas from there. And you can change the settings so that you don't get any emails. Jimi
  17. J

    Scroll saw stand or table?

    I used to stand, but found I was getting horrible backache. I now have my Hegner mounted on a Silverline Universal Tool Stand (£35-£40, depending on where you get it), coupled with an adjustable height swivel barstool. Works for me! Jimi
  18. J


    Lovely work. Is it stained or painted?
  19. J

    Unbreakable, self-sharpening blades

    If anyone knows where I can buy some of these, please let me know. Happy 1st of April! Jimi
  20. J

    Scroll saw fonts

    Hi all Does anybody know what font this is? (Not sure if the photo has loaded - it has been ages since I have posted a photo and I have forgotten how to do it!)