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  1. S

    Marking youre work?

    Hi Brad, Welcome to the forum. Thanks for the info. I checked out the site, the most basic/smallest iron they have is 6mm high letters - no logo's or anything. It is £388.00. I'm afraid that seems a little bit expensive to me. I will keep looking for a more cost effective solution. Lee.
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    Finished-Couple of things from this weekend. *BIG Pictures*

    I did. ALthough I started the Drawers during the week. And the coffee table is not really that far on. It is not a priority as the other things are all for christmas presents. Thanks for looking. Lee.
  3. S

    Marking youre work?

    Hello all, I am starting to get through quite a few projects this year. I would like to do something to identify me as the maker. Maybe a small plate or a stamp or something. How do the pros on here do it (if at all)? Can anyone suggest somewhere that I could purchase something to do the job...
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    Another mallet (a very small one)

    Nice work =D> Is the brass threaded, like on a Nylon faced hammer? Lee.
  5. S

    My shop tour and pics :)

    Mart, great use of space. Very clever. I did notice that you have what looks like a very uncomfortable stool :x Looks more like a pillar drill stand! You need to get that sorted mate. You'll get a bad case of the rockford files sitting on that! :oops:
  6. S

    Finished-Couple of things from this weekend. *BIG Pictures*

    Cheers Gill and Philly, Workshop time is limited and precious! Especially at this time of year. So when I get chance I have to make the most of it! lee.
  7. S

    Finished-Couple of things from this weekend. *BIG Pictures*

    Hi all, managed to get another few hours in the workshop this weekend. Not finihsed anything but nothing major left to do :D These are all for Christmas presents so a need to get them done! First up is a another set of drawers, this time for my sons room. Similar to the last set construction...
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    RIP little blue Bosch......

    Hi Scrit, Sorry about you're recent loss :( I needed a small drill/driver this year too. I got this one, ... 2&id=21272 I detect you have a bit of an issue with Makita? If not this is a great piece of kit. Its small, light, but quite...
  9. S

    NailGun for workshop build

    Yep, me too. All my walls are made from OSB on a wooden Frame. I screwed all the panels in place. I wanted to hang stuff off the walls so wanted it as strong as possible. I bought a few boxes of Goldscrews from Screwfix. It was not as hard work as it sounds. my Workshop is 30x20' . Have a...
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    First Tablesaw (On a Budget)

    HI Snetty, I hope you find what you are looking for. However if you dont, you can have my old Table saw if you cover the carriage/come and collect it. I am keen for it to go to a new woodworker and get them started just as it has for me. Its a Performance power from B&Q. It's certainly no...
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    I need a new table saw...

    What about this one? ... 577232.htm Its on Offer at the Moment too. Lee.
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    Hello grant. There is an unofficial rule round here that says we cant talk to you unless you post pictures of projects and you're workshop :wink: I'm just kidding... Welcome Lee.
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    Rocket and Horse Shelf

    Do you think I should do a few more Rob, just in case... :) Lee.
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    Rocket and Horse Shelf

    Hi Gill, I just did some sketches in pencil onto some A4 Paper. I then stuck them onto the MDF with some Spray mount stuff from maplin. Then I put the thinnest blade I have (3/8") in my record bandsaw. I cut out most of the waste with that, then just cleaned up the rest with a coping saw. Of...
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    What to do with 40cu ft of walnut!!!!!

    Very Very Nice :D Lee.
  16. S

    Tabletop pool table

    Andrew, How do the legs attach? Have you used some of them double ended woodscrews? (They probably have a proper name). Nice bit of turning. =D> Lee.
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    Rocket and Horse Shelf

    Andrew - those are #10 x 3". 7 In each shelf. I don't want them getting ripped off the wall and doing any damage to anyone! :D I swung off both of them just to make sure. I'm about 13.5 stone, so hopefully that'll be enough. Cheers Lee.
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    Harrogate Show

    I went on Saturday and My Dad came along for the ride. We both Enjoyed it. Only bought some standard supplies, Titebond, a Pax flexcut saw, some bit holders from one of them carboot type stalls. as others have said, there were lots of turners and supplies to go with it. I particularly wanted to...
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    Rocket and Horse Shelf

    Hello all, I Built a couple of these for the kids at the weekend. Nothing too fancy, just really strong to cope with heavy books and the distinct possibility of them being used as a springboard :evil: The finish is probably the most interesting bit. It's a metal Flake...
  20. S

    Anyone going to Harrogate on Friday?

    Hi Andrew, I plan to go on Sunday. If you get chance, let us know if you spot any particular bargains etc. :D Have fun. Lee.