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  1. S

    If you could change your career

    Just thought I would add my 2p I've been thinking about this a lot recently (4 years actually). I too hate my job as a sales manager. I started out as an engineer visiting sites installing/repairing the equipment I now sell. I was bullied into the sales dept by my boss, he needed me to bring in...
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    Check out this table! Lee.
  3. S

    Ash and Zebrano coffee table.

    Nice one Matt, 361 days! No need to rush eh? :D Well worth the wait though. Whats next? Lee.
  4. S

    Child's chair/desk

    Nice idea, great work and a good cause. Brilliant! Lee.
  5. S

    non-fog goggles

    Or.. a bit cheaper is this. ... S.HELMET#2 Bob Heath Anti Fog. I use it my my glasses that I've just had to start wearing. I've been using it for years on the inside of my Helmet visor for the bike. One application lasts all day. Lee.
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    Nintendo Wii

    If anyone is looking for a comparison of the PS3 and the Wii, I think this should cover it :wink: ... 4838642038
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    Nintendo Wii

    Hey woodbloke, I'm certainly no Yoof. My son has a PS2 though , which he plays with quite a bit, although he prefers to be out on his bike (motor or BMX). He has this game called TT Superbikes. essentially it's a sim of the IOM TT Course. I used it to learn all the corners and the turn...
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    Looking after my table saw

    I use this on my Bandsaw. ... 65_1L.html It's very good. It dries clear. Its designed to stop parts of you're bike rotting in salty conditions. If you go to a bike shop it should be £5.99, and it will last ages. I am still on my first bottle which...
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    Oh dear

    Ha Ha, You owe me a coffee Mr. I just spat mine onto my monitor :occasion5:
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    Oh dear

    Now we know what youre OTHER hobby is.. :wink:
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    Oh dear

    What finish will you use? :D
  12. S

    Stickley Drawers

    Very Nice, Thanks for the great pictures! Lee.
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    Sat Navs

    I have the TomTom One. It does what it says on the tin. I do a lot of driving, about 1500 miles a week. I pretty much know everywhere and never get lost. I have done 1.4 million miles since May 1990 when I passed my test. However I bought the Sat Nav a few months ago as it saves a lot of...
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    Grinding wheels

    Hi Trev, Nice to see you back on the forum :D Lee.
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    Marking youre work?

    Thanks JFC.
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    Irwin quick grips

    The XP type have much more clamping pressure. 250kg, the older ones I think are rated at 100kg. I've just got some of the XP's and they are very good, although a bit heavier than the old type. Unless you really need the extra force I would get the 'ordinary' ones. Just because they are a bit...
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    Marking youre work?

    Hello Guys and Gals Thanks for all the useful info. I filled in the enq form at Makers Mark for a quote on Monday. I've not had reply as yet, but if and when I do I'll let you know How I get on. Cheers Lee.
  18. S

    Help needed with bandsaw purchase

    Hi Robin, I have the BS300 which is as you know similar but smaller. I have no problem resawing 6" Ash with a 3/4" blade in mine. I have a few issues with it when it was delivered, but these were quickly rectified by the dealer and I've had no issues since then. Have a look at my...
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    WIP ash built in wardrobes newbies first furniture

    Very nice work Robin. Did you build the main Carcas out of MDf Veneered with Ash? Or is it solid ash all round? Well done Lee.
  20. S

    Finished-Couple of things from this weekend. *BIG Pictures*

    Just a refit. A neighbor is doing the new Bars. He lets me have anything interesting that he removes :D Lee.