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  1. S

    Happy birthday, Woodbloke

    :occasion4: Happy Birthday! Mine yesterday too, Extractor, Morticer and Sander for me :lol: Pictures soon.... Lee.
  2. S

    SCREW FIX and its COMPETITORS Quite good. Used them a few times. Lee.
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    Oak Pews

    Hi all, I have been offered a load of Oak Pews. They are 16ft long. The seat and backs are made up from Boards which are about 8" wide. The church they came from is being demolished. I have no idea how old they are but the few nails that hold them together look like they are hand made. There...
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    Attention all Galoots - but you have to be quick!

    Groan... but I see my plan to get ALF upto 10k posts is working though, I knew she would not be able to resist :twisted: He He.
  5. S

    Attention all Galoots - but you have to be quick!

    Will a Honing guide help get a good edge on these? :whistle: If so I might try a bid :D Lee.
  6. S

    My first Project

    Good job well done =D> Lee.
  7. S

    Close one, Broken bit.

    Thanks for the replies everyone. Steve, that chewed up looking bit is a bit of corrosion. I scraped it off with my fingernail before taking the picture. I had the bit in my pocket since saturday. I think it's happened since then. It was previously coated in that waxy stuff some new cutters come...
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    Close one, Broken bit.

    I had this happen on Saturday Whilst cutting some grooves on the router table. The bit is (was) a 6mm. It's a Trend one. I think it was a new one, although I have had it a while. I was lucky the bit stayed in the box of the router table. :oops: I was only cutting a slot 4mm deep and using a...
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    Nothing Fancy - New Clamp Rack

    Hello all, Just a very quick project today. Needed to update the clamp rack as the old one was sagging under the weight! Only took 10 minutes but it was one of them jobs that just 'needed doing' Had to accomodate all these. Had a load of pine that needed using up on something useful. So I...
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    Wardrobe and Chest of drawers

    Very Nice, we need more details :wink: Cheers Lee.
  11. S

    Finished-Couple of things from this weekend. *BIG Pictures*

    Thanks Shultzy I'll try that and the other suggestions on the next lot. The Drawers are now finished. I ended up using button Polish As I couldn't find any white Polish locally. Still its not much darker and still looks nice. I was expecting this morning to just go and install the...
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    Sliding table or Good Quality Mitre Guage?

    Hello all, I have pretty much decided that I will be getting a SIP 01332 Table saw in Jan, unless anyone can talk me into something else. :wink: The question is, should I get the sliding table with it as well; or should I just buy a good quality aftermarket mitre gauge. I have never...
  13. S

    Oak Console Table

    Jez, that is stunning. A distinction is not praise enough. And for youre 3rd project, well all I can say it's you must be having us on! :wink: Very well done indeed =D> =D> :occasion5: Lee.
  14. S

    Italian Wine anyone?

    Carter, thats amazing! :shock: :D :D I bet you didn'y cut it out with a coping saw though :wink: How in the world do you go about figuring wher to cut? Is it at random or do you have a set pattern for a jigas of this size? Thanks for posting the pictures Lee.
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    Well I still haven't got any Double Cranked Hinges (UPDATE)

    Wow, nice work. Thats some big and strong joints you have there! Cant wait to see some finish on it :D Lovely! Lee.
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    Finished-Couple of things from this weekend. *BIG Pictures*

    Thanks for the Tips Dave. They all seem very logical, I had not really used much ply before. The finish will be the same technique I used on the slightly bigger set I made for my daughters room a few weeks ago. Simply a few coats of Liberon 'White Polish rubbed on. It's very forgiving for a...
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    Finished-Couple of things from this weekend. *BIG Pictures*

    Managed to get some more done on the drawers today. I have fitted the top using two battens and elongated holes to allow for some expansion. I had some problems adding the thin strip of veneer to cover the edges of the ply. I was worried about planing through the face of the ply...
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    XP Shutdown problem

    I just googled the WLTRYSVC service that is mentioned in the error. It comes with a Broadcom wireless card. Do you have one of them? If so might be worth re-installing the drivers/utiliies that go with it. I found the info here ... c.exe.html Lee.
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    If you could change your career

    :oops: Well I didn't mean to cause such a Harsh respone :oops: However I do stand by my post. I have re-read it several times and I have not said anything that should have caused such a response. I was simply posting my view of my situation. Thanks to everyone who did understand what I was...
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    My latest effort!

    Wow Nice job, What kind of locking system is going to be used? It would be a shame to spoil that work with a padlock :? Very nice job. Lee. =D> =D>