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  1. S

    Internal Van Lights

    Thanks for the good suggestions. Just what I needed. Cheers Lee.
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    Internal Van Lights

    Morning all, I am getting a little van- a Kangoo. I want to install some decent light fittings in the back so that I can find tools etc. when its dark. I was thinking about a 12V fluorescent fitting or something similar mounted to the Bulkhead. I cant find any though. I've tried screwfix and...
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    FOR SALE Fixed base 1/2" router **GONE**

    Sorry to ask a daft question, but what's cross-posting? Is that the same as showing off a project on 2 forums, like this one and the Aus forum I sometimes browse, cos I've done that a few times now. :oops: Lee, 'electronically challenged'.
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    Lighter weight vacuum cleaner for home use - any suggestions

    I used to know mr Dyson. I used to be in the Porsche owners club, he was too. Nice fella, c**p Hoovers. :D Anyway, I have the Numatic 'henry' which is good, although the 'bin' is quite small. This is my workshop vac. I also have the George at home for doing the cars etc. It's got better...
  5. S

    Updated Workshop Tour-Big Pictures

    :D Its is a green one Mike- I've had it around 9 months or so. I did get the wheel kit with it, but it was part of a deal at the time. I think you can get them for £30.00 directly from record Power. I actually don't like the wheel kit much, the wheel are very small diameter and it makes...
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    Handcutting Dovetails - A Question.

    And it was all going so well.... God job I bought a few extra boards .. just in case :wink: On another note, what's to best method of cleaning up the bottom of the tails. My narrowest chisel is 6mm, and the bevel is not steep enough to push it through flat. I have to push the chisel in at an...
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    Handcutting Dovetails - A Question.

    Oh you think that's bad :oops: This will make anyone feel better. Go on, it's al right, laugh all you want It didn't break off either :oops: I cut it off..... Stupid &^(*&*^
  8. S

    Stud, Wire and Pipe Detector

    Doing some searching reveals this one ... =698&top=3 But its £500.00 :shock: No idea if its any better than a cheap one. You would hope so at that price. Lee.
  9. S

    Woodworking channel

    try running the site directly from Quick time, works really well and you can re-size the screen if you want. Not just Full screen or a tiny window. Lee.
  10. S

    Woodworking channel

    Working ok here with Firefox Matt. Lee.
  11. S

    Blanket box - finished at last!

    Stunning PP. I think the hinges will look more at home with a bit of age. As most others have said the side handles could do with being a bit bigger. No big deal though, I would still like it in my house :D Can we have a look inside? Lee.
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    New Handrail/Stair Spindles installed

    Hi All, During some recent decorating at home, I fitted some new Handrails and spindles to the stairs. New Chair rail following the contour of the stairs and a new trim round the vent in the wall. I didn't make the spindles, they a 'Burbidge' ? Just a few coats of wax to finish them off. I have...
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    recent storms

    Alf, dont hold onto that BMW - avoid getting in trouble and have it delivered to me. :D I did have a bit of trouble with the heavy rain here in Manchester. This was outside the workshop yesterday :shock:
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    American Retro Dinning Table

    Hi Waf, welcome to the forum. It's the spam blockers that have picked up your link. A mode will be along shortly and can fix it for you. Once you ahve a few posts to your name the links will be ok. Cheers Lee.
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    My New HiFi Unit Installed :)

    Very Nice, the wood/finish suits the application perfectly. Lee. =D> =D> =D>
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    Stickley Drawers

    Ted, I just noticed something.... You must have your workshop in a Holiday Inn, or you are just posh and have a Trouser press at home. :D
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    Stickley Drawers

    Cor, thats very impressive. Some very skilled workmanship gone into that. :tongue9: Well done indeed. I hope you realize that I will use your work as an excuse to buy more quality tools. " Of course I could do that dear... If only I had one of these Insert Tool of Choice here. Without one of...
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    Updated Workshop Tour-Big Pictures

    Lynx- The bandsaw is a Record BS300. Quite pleased with it, had a few issues to start with but everyone does with record stuff I've since discovered. Jeff- All the walls and roof void are filled with Polystyrene Blocks. It takes about 10 minutes to get warmed up from Freezing in winter once...
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    Updated Workshop Tour-Big Pictures

    Morning all, I've had the workshop for about 12 months now. Thought it was time to add some updated pictures to the story. I started in December 05 with this And the same view now looks like this. The pile of wood on the Bench is the Oak from Half of a Pew that I bought for £40 to see if...
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    New Machines - 2 faulty

    :evil: I just got 3 new pieces of kit for my Birthday and Christmas. Just had chance to put them together and try them 2 of which have faults straight out of the box! The perform Extractor has the Fan cover badly squashed. I emailed Axminster and they are sending a new one. The New...