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  1. S

    Give my balls a home

    Hello Billiards. welcome to the forum. I'm not a pro, but I'll help if I can. You want a box making? I'll help for the cost of materials and postage Some rough dimensions or ideally some pictures would be great. Cheers lee. :D
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    Nearly killed by a bad driver

    You can already get them devonwoody. :roll: Lee.
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    skateboard ramp

    Hi Tombo. Ha, Finally something I know a little about! I'm no Tony Hawk (i think i am)but I can give you some pointers. Depending on your stock pile, you could save yourself some time/money and get some rampage ramps. They have the correct 4'...
  4. S

    Workshop storage

    Hi John, If I ever find a layout that I am totally happy with i'll let you know. :roll: I tend to change mine as the mood takes me. Usually when I'm having a good 'clean - up' session. For small Hand tools etc I like the magnetic holders you can get from Tool station etc. I have a few...
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    Small diameter rubber tubing?

    Hi Dickm, Sounds like you need latex tubing. My Mums a vet, they use this stuff all the time. (Dont ask what for ewwwwwww :oops: ) Whats the Total length you need, I should be able to scrounge a (new!) bit :D Lee.
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    Steering Wheel Project

    Brilliant Dave, well done. Glad you didn't go for Donkey Brown. :D Lee.
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    Extreme Birdhouses ( The Wellington Hotel )

    :D Ha Ha. John, they are awesome. Totally over the top - love it! How in gods name do you lift them up onto the post? Do you have a JCB backhoe and a sling or something? Keep up the brilliant work. Cheers Lee.
  8. S

    Big Pencil Case _ Lots of pics

    Hello all, Needed to make the kids something to keep all the pencils, markers, brushes paper and other bits and bobs they use whilst drawing. My little lad who is 7 is having issues with concentrating on anything for more than 5 minutes, although he can sit and draw for hours on end. I wanted to...
  9. S

    Quick and Dirty Bench from old pallets.

    I'm fairly sure it's pine, although not 100% sure. Some of it did seem to be a bit harder than pine though? I'll get another pic of top using macro so we can all have a look. Cheers Lee.
  10. S

    Quick and Dirty Bench from old pallets.

    Hi All, I needed a new bench to have in the garage at home. I moved my main bench into the Workshop so I have not had one in the garage for almost 18 months. I need one for repairing stuff that goes with my job, and It's handy to have a vice when I'm tinkering with the motorbikes. I had a...
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    No 1 single the day you were born?

    Little Jimmy Osmond - Long Haired Lover From Liverpool :oops: Lee.
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    Pearlescent Acrylic Paints

    Tamiya make them for painting models. Sprays or pots for brushing/airbrushing are available. There is a massive range of colours. Lee.
  13. S

    Tool tote ....... the trend has begun .

    Yeah, good idea. I'm always up for a giggle :D Lee.
  14. S

    Tool tote ....... the trend has begun .

    Ok you win - Turned handle risers :shock: We should start a new thread - 'Pimp my tool Tote' and see who can come up with the most ornate/ OTT Tool Tote. Looking good :D Lee.
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    Tool Tote WIP - Very Long and loads of pics. Update finished

    Andy- No idea, but I'll put them on the kitchen scales when SWMBO has gone to bed.... I'm not doing it now, she'll think I've gone (even more)nuts :D Lee.
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    Quickish table WIP

    Love it. Great work =D> Looks just the job. Lee.
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    Tool Tote WIP - Very Long and loads of pics. Update finished

    As promised, I managed to get both Totes completed. Not managed to fill the 'woodwork' tote with any Posh tools yet. But the 'Installation' kit is full of stuff I already had. In the Van The Installation kit Thanks for looking Lee.
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    Tool Tote WIP - Very Long and loads of pics. Update finished

    Thanks for all the kind words Guys and Gals. I made another one at the weekend for my 'Installation tools' although it's not as fancy as this one. I'll post some better pictures later today of both of them. Thanks again. Lee.
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    What do you do for a living then?

    Apprentice technician (HND Electro-mechanical engineer) at GEC trafford park. Was working on Low pressure turbine designs-Until 1990 For Power stations. Then moved onto be a Time recorder engineer (Clocking on machine's). Moved employers a couple of times but still within the same field. This...
  20. S

    Hello world!

    Hello Fredem, Welcome to the forum. We would all love to see some pictures of the workshop. Do you have a digital camera? Or a scanner :D Cheers Lee.