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  1. S

    Competition - New Workshop name-CLOSED-winner picked!

    Like that one Matt. :D And this one. Great Stuff. Lee.
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    Spiral Turning

    Thats great, i'ved saved it for future reference. Cheers lee. :D
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    making a hand tool box

    Woooo :shock: :shock: :shock: Steady on. Dont let my other half hear you say that!!!! 8-[ Lee
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    Competition - New Workshop name-CLOSED-winner picked!

    Heh heh They are all good. But I like really Phillys. keep em comin' =D>
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    Competition - New Workshop name-CLOSED-winner picked!

    Picture of the prize now inserted. Just incase you need some motivation. Although I realise this may have a negative effect :oops: Cheers Lee.
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    Competition - New Workshop name-CLOSED-winner picked!

    Ha Thats an excellent Start :D Well done. At the moment the plane is yours! :wink: Lee.
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    Competition - New Workshop name-CLOSED-winner picked!

    Following my thread elsewhere WRT the new workshop, I would like to make a sign to hang outside it ala New Yankee Workshop. Thought it Might be fun to let the Forum suggest some names based on/around the following. The workshop is part of 'Jack lane farm' maybe my sons name 'George...
  8. S

    WIP new Workshop -(bit long) Updated new pictures

    I cant wait to move in :D Trev- The Chevy truck along with the armoured car and 2 Jeeps is moving to another barn on the same farm. And the bloke in the picture is my Dad, you are welcome to put a picture of him in the gallery if you like! He's called Dave. Petew- There wont be a problem...
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    WIP new Workshop -(bit long) Updated new pictures

    I have been working on the new workshop today. I have only been woodworking a few months but realized that I have big ideas and not enough space. Also the noise is an issue with neighbors and with the children in bed at by 8pm. :( So, I was chatting to the farmer where SWMBO keeps her...
  10. S

    bench seat/table

    OOh thats nice. Well done =D> Lee.
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    Goes Round

    They look great. My little lad would love some of them. Nice Workshop too. Everything where you can find it. :wink: Lee.
  12. S

    Drinks Cabinet

    Very Nice work Philly. :D Question about you're website? Does Mr Smith know about you're Clone? And why no bird inlays :) looks Nice. Is the Custom a Vintage Cherry Burst, the same as mine? Is that a 57 and a Studio lurking in the background too. I have a 57 and a Wine red studio too...
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    Another Benchtop Raiser or Bench-on-bench

    Lovely Alf, Maybe this should be the competition project. I know I would like to make one now :D Lee.
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    Crosscut sled for Table saw.

    Excellent idea Garrett :D Thanks for the help. I'll have a go at it this week. Cheers lee.
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    Paul You should change youre sig to Santa :ho2 =D> =D> =D> =D> Thats a nice thing to do! Lee
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    Photos from Hemel Hempstead this morning.

    Keep the windows Shut :o Nice pictures. I've just been watching news 24. Looks very bad. Glad you're ok. lee.
  17. S

    New Season of NYW

    Whispers, what do you search for on Bittorent? I cant find anything for NYW or New Yankee etc etc. Cheers. :oops:
  18. S

    Crosscut sled for Table saw.

    Thats nice work Barry. Well done. I've been looking at mine again today and trying to figure how I can cut large mitres with it. Lee.
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    A Bit Of Lettering

    Very Sharp lettering, well done Barry Lee.
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    Ulrichs candle holder

    Ulrich, That is very nice. Well Done. :D :D