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  1. S


    I had the same problem with my new Workshop. It used to be a Barn. I lined the Underside of the Roof with Hardboard. Its added to the insulation factor and does not allow and condensation to form. See the pictures here Lee.
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    New BS300 Bandsaw with problems.

    Bit of an update today. I went back to the dealer the next morning and they could not have been more helpful. We agreed that if they supplied new parts I would be ok installing them. I did not want to strip down the saw again and try to return it to them. So they ordered me a new Rip...
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    WIP new Workshop -(bit long) Updated new pictures

    Thanks Miles, I have actual used a very similar construction to what you have suggested. The big test will be in the morning when we fit the new doors. I'll post some updated pictures tomorrow evening. I have been installing the Hotspot heater today and getting the new bandsaw fixed. My blog...
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    New BS300 Bandsaw with problems.

    Sorry Neil, I have the images on the blogg anyway. My resolution is 1600 wide so it looks diddy on my screen. :oops: Lee.
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    New BS300 Bandsaw with problems.

    Just got my new bandsaw today from Boggle and Timms in Manchester. Bought the BS300 with Wheel kit. Collected it in my Estate car and took it to the workshop. Carefully unpacked all the pieces and layed them out on the bench to check contents. First of all the wheel kit is not in the box...
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    A pair of A13's but i need your help Bugbear

    I cant help with the pictures -they look fantastic to me. But I have to say that is some very nice work. I showed my Dad, he's a model engineer. He is very impressed with you're work. Stunning, well done. lee. =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> :tongue9: :tongue9: :tongue9: :tongue9: :tongue9:
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    Magazine Rack

    Nice work well done =D> Lee.
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    When laying an oak floor....

    Ha Ha, Are you still in there? :D With an Internet connection? Shall will nip round with some tools and let you out. Thats give me a good giggle. Lee.
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    Daddy's Helper

    Nice one Philly, I also have a Sophie although mines a lot smaller, she's up feeding now :( Mum is alseep :evil: I'm a 'New Man' or something :oops: I also have a workshop helper, 'George' he's nearly six. I let him drive screws into scraps with a cordless. He can get through a...
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    Loves and Hates?

    Likes This Forum The feeling of being properly Tired after a Hard days Woodworking. Its very different from the Burnt out feeling I get from my Day Job. I always get a proper nights sleep after being in the workshop. Dislikes My Day Job in IT. The cost of Hardwood. I have loads of projects in...
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    Any model engineers on here?

    Dave- I'm not an engineer but my Dad is into all that stuff. He makes his own live steam stuff that goes round the garden. He might be able to help if you send me a bit more info. He has lathes and milling machines in his garage. You can pm if you prefer. Lee.
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    Competition - New Workshop name-CLOSED-winner picked!

    Ha Ha nice one Trev :D Trev is such a nice fella, he has sent me a PM wishing me luck with the new workshop and saying that he would rather the #78 goes to someone that could really use it. A very nice gesture indeed =D> Maybe Trev is so far down the slope he doesn't need any more tools (is...
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    Competition - New Workshop name-CLOSED-winner picked!

    =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> Drum Roll :roll: 'Rhythm & Glues' -Well thought of by Shirehorseman AKA Trev. Nice one Trev. If I can work out how to work the scroll saw I'll have a go at making a sign to hang outside ALA NYW. Otherwise I'll paint one. :oops: Thanks to everybody...
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    This is not a political comment

    Ha Ha, I wish I was a joyrider -it would be better than my job. I'm an Engineer/the Sales Manager for I just do a lot of travelling to get to sales appointments/breakdowns. fortunately with the advances in technology I can fix a lot of things from home now. My mileage...
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    We all need that little bit extra

    OOh Nice work. The saw looks great, do you like it? I'm going to be in the market for something a bit more Heavy Duty soon. Lee =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
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    This is not a political comment

    33k in 12 years :o I think my car did that on the drive! In the last 12 years I've3 done 1,400 000 miles. I've filled the tank 3111 times and spent £133990.00 on fuel. You've had the same car for 12 years! I've had 33 cars since then and worn them all out. Lee (Sick if driving) :(
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    WIP new Workshop -(bit long) Updated new pictures

    yeah the stones really helped with the cost of this project. The council are glad to get rid of them. They are sick of all the compo claims from the no win no fee brigade, so the are ripping them up and laying tarmac over everything. They deliver as many as you want on palets. The farmer where...
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    Blog, What does it mean?

    Looks Good Devon Woody. I use mine Lee
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    WIP new Workshop -(bit long) Updated new pictures

    Thanks Bad_Hypertension yeah the floor is sturdy, we had an unlimited supply (free)of those ex-council paving stones. They are very thick, and very very heavy :oops: Still it should not move or sag at all, especially with all the prep I did on the base. I would have liked a smooth concrete...
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    Elizabeth Hannah - 6lbs 9oz.

    Congrats. Is that not the finest creation you have ever made =D> I have two of them at home. 18mnths and 5yrs. :D Lovely name too. Are they home yet? If not enjoy some sleep now, you will not be getting any for a while. (Or sleep ha ha) All the best to Mum and Baby, I'll have a drink for...