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  1. S

    an Introduction

    Hi Neil, A warm welcome to you. So come on, lets have some pictures! :D Lee.
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    Thunderbird-compatible free email account?

    Alf-Gmail works for me too, its very reliable and fast. I've got plenty of invites left also. In fact if you or anyone wants one send me a pm with you're email address and I'll send you one. Cheers Lee.
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    It's not cricket

    I'm glad you spelt THAT correctly :D
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    It's not cricket

    Steve...blimey :shock: You have started something now :D I find that my spelling and grammar have become much worse since I left school, nearly 20 years ago. I think the main reason is that I depend on spell checkers too much. I think spelling was not a problem for me at school although I...
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    Crosscut Sleds

    I made a sled that runs in only one slot. I made the bar from 2 pieces of Steel laminated together to form the 'T' Section. Works very well. Turned a rubbish saw into something useable. The t section means that the...
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    Grrrr. I've been Trojan Horsed!

    'Ewido' is very good at finding Trojans and killing them. Its free too. Try it before you resort to starting again. Lee.
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    Record #040 piccy wanted

    ooh ok. Not quite the same then :oops: # Cheers Alf.
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    Record #040 piccy wanted

    Ah ok, So what does a 040 look like. :( Lee. (Doesn't know anything about planes)
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    Record #040 piccy wanted

    Googling Found This. :P
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    Norm's Sayings...

    Donkey Brown :D That made me laugh. Why does he do EVERYTHING dark brown. Did he buy a big tin and needs to use it up? :D lee
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    Norm's Sayings...

    What about after every advert .....Well hello and good morning
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    New member ...

    Welcome Kane, tell us a bit about yourself, projects completed or WIP. Pictures would be even better. I think you'll like it round here. Very nice people :D Cheers. Lee.
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    Its £2.58 at B&Q :D I bought 30 sheets :wink: Lee. I too have turned WAY more than that into firewood :oops:
  14. S

    First table

    Nice work Bob. Well done. regards lee.
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    hanging keys panel (??)

    :P Nice one John
  16. S

    Forum Users Bandsaws

    Record BS300 £330 Very Good so Far. Had problems with it as supplied, but was soon rectified by the dealer.Took a lot a time to setup, but now works very well. Plenty of Power for Cutting out Guitar body blanks from 2" Thick mahog. :D
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    OLD- The Hardboard is about 6 inches below the Metal Sheets. I had to pull down one of the sheets to add some wiring yesterday, I can tell you that behind the hardboard it was freezing cold. It was dry on the underside of the metal too. No Condensation had formed up there, it was not damp at...
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    Bob, The heater is a 'Hotspot' Model R2. recommended here by a few people so I ordered one last week. It arrived the next day. It was £200 inc 3 metres of Flue, 2x 45 deg bends and a 'top hat'. Very solid and safe too. It was frosty Here in Manchester last night and once lit, the...
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    A cherry breakfront bookcase.

    Ooh that is nice. Great work. Lee. :D :D :D
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    WIP new Workshop -(bit long) Updated new pictures

    Hello All, Got the doors up today. just need to Paint them in the Morning and install the access control system. The Hotspot Heater really kept the place toasty Today. You can Look at the pictures on my Blog Cheers Lee.